Ch. 20 - Jenny and Draco

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I stared into the crackling flames of the Slytherin dormitory fire; the dim lighting flickered over my paws as I shut out the rest of the world and became my own conscience for however long I wanted. The darkness of my mind filtered into my thoughts, along with Shade's soothing smell and his handsome face. I tipped my head to the side, resting it on my paws tiredly.

There had been a few more petrified people after the first one, and many in Slytherin were discussing how Harry Potter was the hair of Salazar. I had rolled my eyes at that - what a stupid idea! Harry had no connection with Slytherin in any way, shape or form. How I knew this? Well, his scar came from Voldemort and that holds a piece of him, granting him powers that Voldemort had too - nobody else saw it, but I did.

James was out cold beside me, tucked under my wing cosily. He had found the last few weeks very tiring since he had problems with teachers of manners such as not being able to write properly, inability to read assigned books and lying about both of those things. Jenny and I had gotten involved rather deeply in that pressing manner, and sorted it right out - maybe not the most effective way of doing it, but what you gonna do - it worked. It was true - the twelve years in that attic had really taken a toll on James; he could not write properly and he could not read correctly.

'Hold on Shadow, just a few more months.' A memory of Shade interrupted my thoughts and lightened the brewing storm inside me. I sighed softly and Jenny's hand stroked my tail that was curled by her feet. She was sitting on the deep green sofa behind me, along with Draco Malfoy on the opposite one. "You're doing it again." She said to me, her voice worrying and almost motherly. I huffed gently, "Doing what?" I muttered back to her.

"You know what. Shutting yourself off from the places around you and blocking me and James out." Jenny's hand fell from my tail, withdrawing back to the back of the sofa. I just huffed again and shifted my head slightly.

Draco looked thoughtful for a moment, "You know, having the last Shadow Claw on our side isn't such as bad thing as anybody thinks. Shadow can just intimidate people into getting, ooh, the Tri-Wizard Cup and the Quidditch Cup and-" He planned, his voice bitter. I puffed through my nose, "I won't be doing any of that, though it does sound rather interesting."

"Shadow!" Jenny scolded. I rolled my eyes and lay my head back down on my paws, watching the two curiously. Sure, Draco was a dick and an ass but, hey, Jenny liked him as a friend since they'd been getting along in potions and other classes. Who was I to tell her who she couldn't and could have as friends?

"Pity. Why ever not?" Draco uttered lazily.

"Because I am not some lapdog or a pet to be stroked and played with. I am a dangerous feline that was designed to kill. I am an Ultimate, but that does not make me better. It just means I was meant to keep the peace, not disturb it." I replied rather sharply.

He just shrugged, "So why is your friend James here? He seems more like a-" I growled loudly, but only for Jenny and him to hear. "Don't talk about James. He is none of your business." I gritted out through a clenched jaw.

Draco put his hands up in surrender, "Whatever. Wait 'till my father hears about this - a Shadow Claw in Slytherin." He said, going back to his thoughtful look. I hadn't missed the look on Jenny's face as he'd talked. An expression of slight adoration and fascination. I narrowed my eyes at her, and she seemed to feel my gaze as she glanced at me and blushed lightly.

Not a moment later, in walked Crabbe and Goyle. They looked rather flushed as if they'd been doing quite a bit of running. I puffed out once more - those two were utter morons.

"Where have you two been? Ah, probably stuffing your faces in at the feast in the Great Hall." Draco didn't even wait for their answers as they sat down. I didn't miss how they smelt like Gryffindor, how they looked wary and cautious, and also how they exchanged glances with one another every now and again as if they were having a silent conversation.

I processed all that, not listening to the conversation. Something about the heir of Slytherin? I didn't know, nor care. Though, their voices were stuttered as if they weren't sure what to say next... or they were lying!

"Is this yours?" Draco muttered to them, picking up a small present box and shaking it. They shook their heads together after a moments hesitation. He shrugged and threw it to Jenny, who silently cheered and picked at the box.

I narrowed my eyes to slits and peered at them suspiciously, "Where are you going?!" Draco yelled at them as they began to run away. "Hospital, stomach ache pills..?" One of them replied, holding their stomach.

Oh, and I did not miss that face that their eyes were changing colour, how Crabbe's hair was changing, how their voices were more friendly, how they seemed to be shrinking and how they were panicking as they ran. Something was wrong - something was up. "Those two are so strange today." Draco heaved back down onto the sofa, tipping back his head.

I was brought out of my thoughts once more when Jenny came to sit beside my wing where James was sleeping peacefully. She showed me the box that Draco had given to her, "Look." She chuckled, shoving it in my face. I didn't care what it was - she had disrupted my concentration and it was too late to follow 'Crabbe' and 'Goyle' now. I growled and flattened my ears, "Leave me alone. I have research to do." I sniffed, placing me head back down where it was to stare at the flames.

"Aren't you going to the library then?" Draco half sneered at the word 'library'.

I scoffed, "What? I can't research on my thoughts? Reading too hard for you, Malfoy?" I hissed back to him. That shut him up.

I knew Jenny was frowning - I could feel her staring holes in my ears. I lowered them and sighed, drafting into my conscience once again. The darkness swallowed me once more and I let myself wander. I only wished I could be back with Shade, to feel his fur pressed against me, to feel his tongue on my cheek and to feel his voice soothing my worries as I fell asleep.

Little did I know - shit was about to go down.

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