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AN: First chapter is officially published! Please read A/N at the end, thank you! -awkwardlyxx

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"We accept the love we think we deserve." ― Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

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{Chapter: 1}

Unedited  ✖

{ A S P E N M O N T G O M E R Y }

I sigh loudly as more clouds pass by my small window. I think I've seen enough clouds to last me a lifetime by now, the scenery having been the same thing for the last four hours. Planes aren't exactly my favorite thing in the world; the height, the bumps, the abrupt jerks - just not me.

"Attention all passengers, we will be landing in fifteen minutes. We ask that you please put away any electronic devices until safely landed. Thank you again for choosing Southwest Airlines, and have a wonderful day!"

I sigh in relief. Motion sickness isn't very fun on a plane. Especially when you've been driving through a storm, causing as much discomfort as possible. My stomach has been tossing and turning for the last hour and a half and I'm more than ready to escape this death contraption. Although the storm passed around fifteen minutes ago, my stomach still hasn't settled. I let my head fall against the glass of the window, my eyes dully staring out at the minuscule houses and buildings below.

As the ground continues to get closer and closer, reality begins sinking in and I'm suddenly hit with the realization of why I'm actually here. The deep, gut-wrenching feeling of sorrow begins seeping back into my emotionless body and time seems to pass entirely too slow.

It's been four months and I'd thought - hoped things would be easier. They're not. I know she wouldn't want me to act like this, like a hollow shell, incapable of feeling anything. But I prefer it this way. It's easier to just feel nothing at all rather than everything at once.

The plane jerks again, the landing not very pleasant and making my stomach lurch uncomfortably. I hold a fist to my mouth to keep from vomiting. Thankfully, my inner nausea helps keep my depressive thoughts at bay, giving me mental relief for a brief moment. Once the flight attendant gives the okay, everyone is up and out of their seats, grabbing their baggage and racing to the door. And even though I'm just as anxious to be off as them, I hold back and wait for all the rushing passengers to exit before deeming it safe enough to step out into the aisle.

The plane is totally empty by the time I've gotten my baggage out of the overhead bin and the polite flight attendant gives me a soft smile as I exit.

The minute I step out of the plane I'm hit with the smell of nature and rain, a pleasant smell but one I'm not quite used to. But being the pessimist I am, I glower unhappily and trudge past the large crowd of people either still awaiting their flight or ones who have just stepped off the same plane as me.

I let my eyes slowly roam over the people waiting outside, looking for a specific dirty blonde. It isn't long before a cheery voice calls my name, followed by exaggerated hand motions as she waves a sign with my name on it. I slowly make my way towards her, not in any rush to have to talk or communicate in any form or way with anyone, not even my sister.

Edith pulls me into her signature bone-crushing hug, ignoring when I make no move to hug her back. She holds me for a few more seconds before pushing away, holding me at arm's distance. She grins at me and I can already see tears welling in her eyes. I merely sigh at her, averting my eyes to the luggage at my feet.

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