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"The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.
They're in each other all along."

― Rumi

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{Chapter: 28}

Unedited ✖

{ A S P E N M O N T G O M E R Y }

"Nicholai." I breath, my lips clamping together to form a huge smile.

All my muscles uncoil and fall slack inside my body, his voice floating into my ears soothingly as the firm hold wrapped around my heart loosens.

"Are you hurt?" He asks and somewhere in the background I can here an engine running along with the whooshing of cars passing by quickly. He's coming for me.

I exhale softly. "I'm fine, only a few scratches."

I can here a sigh being let out on the other-side of the line and I can't tell whether it was one of relief or anger.

"Good." He grunts.

My eyes lids flutter closed, an image of him flittering through my mental stream. The past few days began to take their toll as my energy level slowly begins draining and grogginess wafts over my senses.

"Aspen?" I hear Nicholai ask distantly.

"Hm?" I hum.

It's quite for a moment.

"You sound tired."

"I'm exhausted."

He's quite again.

"I'll be there soon." He assures.

"I'll be waiting." I whisper, my insides warming up at the sound of his husky promise.

"Where are you?"

I run a hand down my face. "I'm at this women's house. She let borrow her phone to get in contact with someone. She's letting me stay here until you arrive." I scratch absentmindedly at the splintering wood from the small round table. "She's nice."

"Are you sure its safe?" He asks and my mind flickers to the wolf that had been watching me from the forest edge.

My heart jerks inside my chest.

"Just hurry." I murmur.

"Aspen." Nicholai's voice is laced with warning.

He wants to know what happened. I want him to know what happened. But I can't have that conversation over the phone with the no-named women only a few feet away, humming quietly to herself. She looks to be in her own world, but I don't want her accidentally listening in.

Not only do I not know her, but is she were to have any clue about what was going on she could get hurt. If Sam ever found out that she knew anything, he could easily get rid of her to ensure his secret is safe. I don't want to risk it.

"I'll send you the address to the house." I say briskly.

Nicholai doesn't object but hesitates to answer.

"Stay safe until I get there. If anything happens, call me immediately." Nicholai demands.

"I will." I reply, glancing over my shoulder to see that the friendly women is still humming over a pot of soup. I give her a grateful smile when she glances toward me.

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