Chapter 30 Final

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This is the end. Beautiful friend, the end.

waaaahh I'm crying a bit. It's so sad! This book was...something else to write. Emotional, intense, heartbreaking. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did.

Final chapter...<3

Chapter 30

Corinna’s POV

I came awake slowly, my brain trying to function through the fog blocking my synapses from firing properly. Where was I?

I blinked hard, trying to make sense of the white walls around me.

A hospital. I was in a hospital.

Slowly, piece by piece, the night came back together starting with the moment I laid eyes on Flynn and ending with watching the ambulance drive away, his blood on my shirt, on my hands.

I flinched at the image, my heart starting to pound harder in my chest as I struggled to sit up, vaguely realizing there was a cast on my right arm.

“I don’t think you’re supposed to move.”

My head swung over to where the feminine voice had come from, my eyes widening in shock as I laid eyes on my ex best friend. Rachel was sitting in a chair near the window in my hospital room, her dark blue eyes warily taking me in as I sank back onto the bed. “What are you doing here?” I asked, wincing when my words physically hurt on the way out.

“Your dad called me when he heard you were in the hospital.”

I quirked an eyebrow. “And you came rushing over?”

Her eyes narrowed. “I didn’t come here to fight with you, Cory.”

“No? Then why did you come? To bond?

She gritted her teeth and just shook her head at me, looking frustrated and a little bit hurt at my tone.

I turned my head away from her, determined not to care. It didn’t matter now, anyway. There was something else I needed to know, something I desperately needed to ask but fear was keeping the questions inside. My heart was lodged up in my throat and my lungs were starting to starve.

“Your parents were here a couple minutes ago. They wanted to be here when you woke up.”

“Where’d they go?” I whispered, my eyes firmly planted on the wall away from Rachel.

“They went to see Flynn.”

There it was. His name. And just like that the world stopped. My ears started ringing and I felt like I was being beaten all over again. Fear pounded at my skull persistently and my mouth moved silently as I attempted to form words that just weren’t coming.

“He’s okay,” she said, her voice a little softer now.

I made a sound caught between a sob and a wheeze.

He’s okay.

No two words had ever sounded sweeter.

“He came out of surgery a couple hours ago. The bullet didn’t hit anything vital, they just needed to stop the bleeding and close the wound. He’ll be fine.”

I was crying, my tears stinging the cuts on my face, dripping down to the bed where they left a puddle that was immediately soaked into the sheet.

“Cory I...” she trailed off, her voice shaking with uncertainty. “I’m so sorry, Cory. I think there are a lot of things I don’t understand about what happened four years ago and I did some things I really regret.”

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