Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Corinna’s POV

“Seriously? When am I ever going to need to know the limit when h approaches 0? This is ridiculous. There should be a class on shopping on a budget or how to get along with your horrible boss, you know? Stuff that makes sense in the real world.” I gave Flynn a convincing look but he just raised an eyebrow at me and pointedly looked down at my blank notebook.

“Some people use calculus in their jobs.”

“More people would like to find a discount on ground beef.”

“Just do the problems,” he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and scowling at me.

I focused on my notebook again but I glanced up at him a couple times, still seeing the scowl on his face. “I knew you’d regret it,” I said quietly, giving him a smirk.

“Regret what?”

I shrugged, leaning back in my chair and tapping my pencil against the table distractedly. “Tutoring me,” I replied.

“Just do the work so we can get this over with,” he grumbled.

I sighed and looked at the work again, trying not to let his words get to me. How could I blame him? No one else would’ve volunteered to tutor me except for maybe Jesse but his schedule was insane and I hadn’t wanted to bother him. “This doesn’t make sense,” I mumbled.

“Which part?” he asked, leaning across the table. When he caught sight of my paper, he scowled. “You didn’t write anything.”

“Sure I did.”

“The date doesn’t count,” he said, scowling at me.

I sighed in defeat. “Can you show me how to start it?”

“This is a pretty basic problem, Cor. What have you been doing these past four years?”

I stiffened, a smirk stretching my lips as I met his eyes as I shrugged. “Oh you know, the same thing I was doing before I left.”

He scowled. “You better not be getting into that shit again, Cory.”

I raised an eyebrow at him. “Or what, Flynn? You gonna straighten me out?” His scowl deepened but I shook my head and waved a hand, cutting him off before he could speak. “It doesn’t matter. I have that list remember? Number one is no drinking, number two is no drugs.”

“I’m sure you could find a way,” he grumbled, pulling the page towards him and starting off the problem for me.

I looked as his bent head for a second, a bad feeling in my stomach as I continued to smirk. “You’re forgetting, Flynn, this is all I have right now. I’m not going to mess it up.”

He looked up at me and something flickered in his gaze before it was replaced by a doubtful look. “Yeah well, you better not. Jesse would be really upset if you started flaking out again.”

Suddenly, I was sick of this conversation, sick of Flynn’s condescending attitude and my smirk disappeared. “Whatever, can we just do the work?” I grumbled, grabbing the notebook back from him and concentrating on the problem he’d stared for me. I wasn’t stupid but the school I’d been going to for the past three and a half years was the worst school in the state. Some seniors were still working on multiplication so calculus was a big step up for me.

“Is this right?” I asked after a while, looking up and meeting his gaze. He blinked and for a second just stared at me before he shook his head and looked down at the notebook.

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