Uh-Oh. Hi Mom Dad.

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When I got in the truck the wolf stopped making noise and licked me on the face. "Ew, stop you clean yourself with that tongue I don't want it on me!" My wolf stopped and gave me a hurt look before curling up in a ball in the back seat hiding its head. Sighing I jumped in the back seat with it and started rubbing behind its ears until it responded rolling over so I could rub its belly and also telling me the wolf is a boy. "I got you some food and a leash although you could drag me if you really wanted to." I said while reaching over to grab the raw meat and watching as he wolfed it down, pun intended.

After he was done he looked at me licking his lips while pointing his snout down pressing his head against my forehead then somehow moving so he rubbed his head against the under bside of my chin. Without thinking I wrap my arms around his neck and just take in his scent of pinecones which made him growl with happiness, until my phone Buzzed making my wolf look over at it with a look of hatred as he snorted at it then turned away looking out the back window. I picked up my phone and read a text message from my father asking where I was, I told him I stopped at the store and I was heading back.

I shut off my phone and turned back to my wolf who I found nuzzling one of my jackets but looked back at me when he noticed I put the phone down. "If your going to stay with me we better find you a name let's see what could we call you." I looked over his black fur once again but stopped when I finally noticed how beautiful his icy blue eyes were. The more I looked at him the more I decided the perfect name. "Star shadow. Do you like that?" He looked at his paws for a minute before looking back at me and nodded yes. "Oh my gosh! You just nodded!" He gave me a wolffish grin before nudging me towards the front seat. "Tomorrow I'm gonna test you to see what all you can do. Tomorrow is all about you and me shadow."

I looked behind me to back out and saw star shadow shaking excitedly making me smile but I suddenly frowned when I realized I still had to get star shadow in the house with out mom or dad seeing him I couldn't exactly walk in saying 'oh hey guys I ran over this wild wolf so now I'm bring him in the house so he can eat us all' shadow must have noticed this because he started to whimper and put his massive paw on my shoulder. "It's okay star shadow I'll figure something out." I said while tracing his claws, after a few more moments we pulled up to a green two story house.

I told star shadow to stay there and not make any noise as I got out of the truck. Deciding it was safe when I didn't see my parents car, I pulled star shadow up to my room which was decorated in fake swords and had paintings of the five dragons in Eragon on the walls. Shadow walked over too the painting of a white wolf next to Eragon and stood in the position and looked at me with a 'if it was black it would be a painting of me' look. I would have laughed if not for the front door opening and closing meaning my parents were home, "Star shadow stay up here and don't make any noises okay or my parents will kill me then dance on my grave I'm not exaggerating! Okay well maybe a little but they definitely will kill you." He walked over to me jumping on his hind legs and putting his paws on my shoulders while nodding his head and licking my neck.

I was Walking down to the kitchen where my parents were making their plates when my mom crushed me in what I call momma bear hug and greeted me. "Hi peanut are you hungry? We got chicken, I'm so excited!" "What are you excited about mom?" "Oh I don't know I'm just happy to see you." "Okay, well, hi I guess where is dad?" I said while turning around and bumping in to the man of the hour. "Oh hi walnut, Brazil nut, pecan nut." There goes dad trying to out do mom in my nut nicknames. "Hi dad what did you two do today?" "Oh we just went to the store and got some flowers for your mom then picked up dinner. By the way what happened to the truck?" Crap.

"Um some animal jumped on the road I hit the brakes but as you could see it didn't do much good but I saw the animal walking so I'm sure it will be alright." That was the truth just not all of it. "Oh Nicole you must have hit your head come here." "Mom I'm fine it's nothing let's just eat." But apparently mom wasn't having it because dad grabbed my arm while mom pushed aside my bangs and gasped. Crap crap double crap. "Why didn't you say anything we would have something."

Dad said while mom got some ice to put on my head. "Ow!" I made the mistake of yelling out my pain which made shadow start howling and growling. Infinite crap. "Nicole Ryan Maryweather what do you have in your room?!" Both of my parents asked in unison. Bloody h-e double hockey sticks, that's really bad, they used my full name. "Um, computer generated noises." "What kind of animal did you hit?" Dad asked. You see I have this record of helping animals that are hurt as I have done many times before, so.

Before I could stop them my parents walked up the stairs to my room and walked in to find star shadow laying on a nest of my clothes on top of my bed. I'm so dead, goodbye college, future husband and kids. Oh and starshadow.

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