Yay School (Note The Sarcasm).

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(Ryden at the top)
One: Its not nice to bully it can really do damage to someone and I would know. Two: if someone is bulling there is a ninety  percent chance its because something hurt them really bad so if your bullied try to be nice to them they may become your best friend 

It's officially the last day of spring break, and star shadow and I became so close we are basically one person now. He knows my favorite music and I know his, you would think he was a human by the way I talk about him, he knows my favorite food I know his etc, etc. He even beats up the people who are jerks to me, like the boy named Tanner Holmes who I had once gotten in a physical fight with over him beating up on some girl.

It was pretty funny actually what star shadow did. I saw Tanner walking by at the park shadow and I were at, I told shadow that guy was Holmes who i fought with, Holmes saw me talking to my wolf made a snide remark along the lines of 'Dr. Doolittle' something, caused shadow to stand in front of me showing of his size and ran at Holmes. Pantsed him showing of his little monster truck underwear, picked him up by the shirt and launched him in the air and walked back to me then curled around me allowing for me to use him as a pillow and cuddle making him purr, did I say how much I love shadow if not then I love my wolf.

I was taken out of my happy little memory by star shadow trying to pull the blankets of me. "Star shadow leave me alone I'm asleep." I heard a computer generated voice come from dad keyboard that he upgraded for shadow saying 'If your asleep why are you talking?' "I sleep talk." 'Well I guess I can't play any music until your awake I don't want to be rude.' That little demon. "Well if I don't have music I won't feel like cuddling." I said while trying to bury my face in the pillow to hide my smirk but my pillow was ripped out from under my head as I heard shadow growling the started typing again. 'If you take away my cuddles I eat your Legos!' I immediately shot up in bed with a glare staring right at shadow who was giving me the puppy eyes and wagging his tail while sitting down effectively sweep the small area. "You wouldn't dare. If you so much as shed on my Legos I will give you a bath." That was when I heard mom call saying breakfast was ready.

"You lucky dog saved by the mom." Smiling as shadow simply stood up walking over to the door with his head and tail held in a cocky manner while I quickly dressed in light brown leather boots, white washed jeans, light brown and white striped long sleeved shirt and tan scarf and brushed my hair and teeth putting my dirty blonde slightly red hair in a neat bun. "Hi Nicole are you ready for school?" Mom asked while dad looked up from the computer waving at me as he drank his straight black coffee. How he can drink that stuff will forever be a mystery but if I ask he would just say 'that's how men drink coffee'. "School is not particularly a happy place for me." I muttered under my breath but apparently shadow heard me because he growled as he walked over to his bed next to the table.

"What was that I didn't hear you?" Mom asked genuinely. "I said I cant wait!" I don't want to make her feel bad by saying 'no I hate school. I don't have any friends because everyone enjoys saying mean things to me so my only friends are non-living books, an over grown wolf and my niece, but I'm probably blowing this out of proportion.' Grabbing my travel mug of chia latte I rushed out to my now fixed truck and sped to school. Fifteen minutes later I'm in the school parking lot just sitting in my truck, in one more minute I will have been gathering my courage for five minutes, here goes.

Walking to my locker I see a big crowd forming and girls sighing it must be some jock or something. Making my way through the group of people I pass what the everyone was so exited about. It was just like in the movies when the prince sees his princess for the first time and everything is in slow motion, I passed a guy who had dark blonde hair parted to the side and was about 5'10" with dark blue eyes and sharp features he was obviously very muscular but didn't look like a muscle builder all in all this guy was extremely handsome.

He was wearing a dark grey elbow high sleeved button up shirt with a deep blue t-shirt underneath, black jeans and black tennis shoes. Our eyes met then locked together as I walked turning in a circle soon walking back wards as I finally broke his gaze that kept time frozen. I was gathering my school books for the next class when Mrs. I like to make your life horrible and school female player aka Audrey Saxon came over to me.

"Listen Maryweather the new guy and every guy are all mine so back off, okay you little piece of crap? Thanks nice chat." If this was a movie you would see me straight away punch her in the face and leave her on the floor out cold and say 'everyone saw I tried to take the high road' but since this is real life I just spoke as nice as I could. "Don't worry you can have him he's not my type anyway." I know what you all are thinking, why did you let her walk all over you like that? Well the truth is I attract losers so this guy is probable the same besides he looked like heartbreak on legs he and Audrey would be a perfect match at least for a couple days.

"Oh and what is your type wolf? That's right Tanner told everyone about your date with your pet wolfie is he the one who gave you that ugly ring too?" Okay witch, if you insult my family you insult me. "Oh hey Audrey you have something on your face, oh wait that is your face." "Oh look everyone she's trying to be funny. You see this face this is the reason you will never get a boyfriend because no one will leave this for that." Ouch I felt that but not as bad as she's going to feel this. "Honey I've got heels higher than your standards. By the way one question, does your butt ever get jealous of the amount of  crap that comes out of your mouth?"

Fuming she turned and walked away followed by her plastic replicas. Honestly I hate being mean, normally I would just walk away but this girl has been after me for years and I know the reason she's like this is because mommy and daddy gave her anything she wanted and never taught her discipline. For the second time today I was taken from my thoughts by an Australian/Scottish sounding accent.

"Hi I'm Ryden West." Turning around I immediately slammed myself against the wall it was the hot shot i passed earlier. "Your close, mind backing up a bit or a lot your preference." I have I long day ahead.

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