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"Celebration in the Forest"

"Puppy! Wake up! It's 6 in the morning!" A voice called me. I stood up, still having blurry vision but I can make out with the person in front of me


"Yours truly! The others are still sleeping but I would like some time for us" He said pulling me. I remember. I am invited to a camping trip with my classmates from Class Z. It is the second day so I figured I am in the forest

"it's so early and we slept late last night..." I said

"But wouldn't my Ice would like to spend time with me?"

"Haah... Let's go!" I said

The name's Ice. Ice Ruuichi. I am a half-blood (Half human, half cyan wolf) and this is my boyfriend, Rex Coloma. A black and gray wolf. Noisy as he may seem, he is still childish even if we are in college. But that's why I love him so much.

"Puppy! Come on!" He kept pulling me until we went to a nearby river

We went on and showered but more or less, he just kept flirting with me. I never hated it but he is so clingy. Hehe. I love him for that. Next thing is we woke up the rest for breakfast.

Kou, the bear, made some curry. I helped with the adjustment of taste. Riko, the wolf, Adam, a white tiger, and Kyle, a German shepered, cleaned up the mess last night. Tulio, a human boy, Ivy, a human girl, and Maya, A black cat, arranged a schedule for our entire day.

"What now?" Rex asked after eating

"What do you mean?" Adam asked

"Yesterday, we just arranged the camp, but what should we do for fun today, now that our entrance exam is finished" Ivy said

"We couldn't come up with any Idea that all would agree so I guess do what you want?" Maya said

"So much help from the organizer-AAAHHH" Rex teased but Maya just threw him back in the tent, causing it to fall on him. I just sighed but he sure is strong.

"Anyway, that would be better. Let's do what we want!" Kyle said

"But the reason we had this camp is to have fun and celebrate our college success! Come on! Let's think" Riko said

"Hmm..." All of us think of something to do but none entered our minds

"Just relax for the day. When we enter college, we won't have any chance to relax but have fun, many chances" Tulio said

"Fine." Riko pouted but surely we can do something. I look at Rex

"Ice, let's explore. And I love some time with ya!" He said

We left the group and prepared in our tent. When we got out, Tulio is laying near a tree and reading a book. Maya and Ivy are chatting near the river. Adam, Kyle, Kou and Riko are leaving somewhere together.

"Let's go, pup!" Rex pulled me and we went through the forest

"By the way, why do you have such a huge bag?" I asked

"you will know later" He gave me a sly smile. I just sneered at him

"Here we are!" I look around but to only see a tree stump

"What is this?" I asked

"Ice... wear this blindfold" He said covering my eyes

"Hmm... Just don't ditch me or else I am dumping you"




"Done!" Rex shouted "Ice, remove it now!"

I remove my blindfold and find that the tree stump is now a table with some flowers, plates with food and two seats

"What is this..." My eyes started to water

"We haven't had a proper date so I looked for a good spot this morning."

I look around and I can see the sky above us and a river just a few feet from where we are. It's... perfect!

"I love you!" I hugged my boyfriend and gave him a kiss.

"Come on! Let's start our date!"

First, we had our food and it was pretty simple. Steaks with burgers and mushrooms. Rex played some romantic music and we danced near the river. Then we just sat next to each other as we stare at the beauty of nature. The date lasted hours and we went back to our camp

"Where have you been?" Maya asked

"Just somewhere" I said

"I see you are done packing! Thanks to Maya! All hail the strong lo-AAAAAHHHHH!" Rex is then, again, twitching on the ground. Seriously! He really needs to stop before he is killed.

"Anyway, Let's go." Ivy said hoping in the van.

"Come on! Or else I am leaving you guys!" Kyle shouted

I dragged Rex's body and in the van and just rested. I will remember this time but college is nearing. Looks like studying is the priority here. Sigh. I went home around midnight and crashed on my bed. I dozed off to sleep, feeling happy and satisfied... but not long, I think...

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