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"Chance to Pass"

"So that's what Maya told me when we met the other day." I told Rex while eating lunch


We were just chatting but it seems like he hasn't eaten yet. He has been in this gloomy mood since this morning.

"Umm... Rex? You okay?"

"Uh... Yeah! I'm fine!" He showed a fake smile

"Rex... I know if you are lying..."

"Hehe.... I can't seem to go around you huh?" he them pecked me a kiss. "It's just that I am having family troubles now..."

"Wanna tell me?"


"It's fine if you don't want to."

"Um... puppy..." he pulled me by my arm "Let's go somewhere private"

Private? It seems like it's important. Family, right? Is his parents being doubtful of being gay? I wonder...

We entered our club room or rehearsal room. It seems like Ivy is here as well

"Ivy? Hey... Um... can you leave us for a while... cause... " Rex glared at Ivy and she nodded as she left. Ivy can read minds so maybe she knows

"Um... What is it?" I asked

"Um... you see... I am... fa... fai... ngg... " he keeps on hesitating. Hmm... Do I need to do 'that' again?

"haah..." I sighed

"Rex~!" I grabbed his arms and placed them at his back and nibbled his neck

"Ahhh...." He moaned


"Okay! Okay! I am failing my course!"



"Idiot... why are you having a hard time to tell me?"


"Let's go home and study. Finals is next week and that's your only way of passing"

"It's because of this. I don't... want to rely on you..."

"Rex..." I grabbed his hands and gave him a kiss "I love you"

"hehe... "

"Let's just go. Like it or not, I will tutor you" I gave him a wink

"Teach me all you know~!"


After that, I went to his house and I was welcomed by his parents

"Oh.. Rex! Welcome home." His mom greeted him and looked at me

"Oh, hello! You must be Ice. Hmm..." she examined me.

"Uh... hi?"

"Hmm........" She then looked at Rex "Nice choice, son! Have fun."

"Thanks mom. Let's go to my room"

"Uh... okay..." we continued to his room and I layed out his books I found

"We're starting?"

"Uh... yeah. Why wont we?" He then pinned me to his bed

"I want a bit of fun~!"

"Nope" I peeled him off "If you passed, then "ll reward you"

"so what is the formula for Permutation?" He then picked up a book

"Hehe. Works every time"

After that, we continue to meet up after school and even on weekends. Then, the finals weeks has come

"Um... Puppy... are you sure?"

"Of course! You can pass. If not perfect it, you will pass!" I said

"But..." I turned away

"Remember your reward!" I then continued to the classroom for my finals



Is it just me, or I have a feeling that Rex just got hyped

After 6 hours of hell...

"So tiring..." I hold up my results from the scanner

At least I passed all of them


"Oh hey.... Wha-" Rex rubbed his results on my face and he got... higher than me!?

"Oh wow..."

"so~~" he kissed my lips

"I am not crazy to do it in public" I told him

"Let's go to my house? My family is out for the night.

"Haaah" I sighed "lets go" I gave him a wink and we had a 'fun' night.

Rex is so horny this day... what ever....

Just hope he can graduate...

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