Chapter 12: Ice Cream Love

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Chapter 12
Eros Dylan Donovan
Ice Cream Love

Taking a big gulp of the cappuccino, my eyes scan the paperwork I need to do. Geraldin, Max, Hero, and the whole police team are working furiously over this damn case.

At least I have my coffee, I think.

It's still morning, but the warm breeze invades the place, making it hot inside the room. There's no room for A/C. Oh, only the head room has that.

Wiping off the sweat that is forming on my forehead and neck, I sigh in frustration as I think of what to do. Being a cop is a tough job, but it's all worth it. When I was a kid, I had this huge obsession about cartoons that had cop in it. Mostly they were the main characters. And I admired them. And then I swore and promised to my family that I would be a cop. My dad and I used to watch 'Assassin'. It had four seasons. It was all about cops dealing with crimes and villains. The main character, Porter, was really a bad-ass. He always wore a military pants. I swore he was more of a soldier than a cop. But he considered himself a cop, since he's stationed in a police station. Porter was like an NBI. Even if he wasn't his business, he would make it as his business. The main plot of it was... Of course, about crime. There was going on behind the President's back. I mean, literally the President of USA. Drugs and all. So Porter did some investigation about it, and soon, he had been caught in the mess he went in. He was the target. He became a terrorist. But Porter wouldn't give up. He fought back. In the end, he found out that the policemen had to do with it. They were covering the behind-the-scenes of dirty little USA. And at the end, dirty secrets had been exposed. President shot him. President got in jail. Porter died.

The ending sucks though.

Dad and I were really messed up at that time. We had watched the four seasons, and in the end, he died? Holy shit. Who does that? Brat directors.

Good to know that I have company.

Those other cops are sweating also, and they keep wiping it with their towels. Electric fans are off. Or it's brownout. Whatever. I really don't know the story. All I know is that when I got here, everything is the way that it shouldn't be.

Hot. Lots of paperwork. Everyone is kind of mean. Hot. Hot. Hot.

"Jeez," Max mutters with annoyance, "is it me or is it really hot?"

"The sun is being a bitch," Geraldin just simply says without giving a spare of glance at Max's direction. He probably doesn't care about him. That or the weather has really gotten into him. "And those goddamn electric fans, why they are not working?"

I just casually shrug. They didn't look though. But I did shrug.

"Hey, are we invited to the wedding?" Hero asks me, looking up at me as he clips the papers.
I haven't had the chance to talk about that with my dear. She just brushed our wedding off. Something must be up. But I have to trust her. The weirdest part is, part of me is happy that I'm not going to get married. The tiniest part is sad. Except that, I'm all smiles.

They must have seen it because they give me all a grin. And I give them a frown.

"The wedding has been called off," I say rather happily than annoyed. They look at me with a confused look on their faces, waiting me to say I'm kidding. But I am not. "Really, guys. The wedding has been called off. It isn't going to happen for now. My dear and I, we're having troubles financially and a little bit of family problem. So we must save a money first before we lash out the money for something that can wait."
"You really are not kidding, are you?" Geraldin mumbles, eyes wide. "That must be sad."

"I am not," I say.

"He is not," Hero agrees, nodding as he continues to clip the papers.

The boss comes in our room and inspects us, taking a loot at what we're doing. Well, he could just join us instead of ogling the paperwork. That would be much appreciated. He does look only at the paperwork. Every now and then, he would just come in the room to inspect what we are doing. It's not like we're not going to do our work or something. I mean, we're pretty much hooked on what we are doing so we don't have time to chatter. Lots to do. Lots to work.

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