Chapter 3: Rip The Start

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A/N: On the side bar is Adi Gillespie, as MICKEY 'MIKE' HOLLISTER.


Chapter 3

Mickey 'Mike' Hollister

Rip The Start

Kroo. Kroo.

Brown eyes. Those eyes are the best color I've ever seen. It's sweet and it looks like chocolate. Eyes that hold full of positive emotions. But at the same time, it holds the past, a negative past. Looking at this man, it seems he has been through hell and back. He has been through a lot of obstacles and problems.

The man smiles, and I draw in a breath, my lungs basically shut down and I'm mesmerized by his smile, his lips curving, teeth showing. My mom nudges me and that's when I stop looking at the man.

"Mel!" The man chirps happily, walking pass at me to give mum a hug. He kisses her cheek, at either side.

"He just wants a bang," I say in annoyance, arching a brow. I'm pretty sure he just wants to bang my mum. Mum glares at me and the man arches a brow. A kid steps out of the man's back and looks at me. He's completely the same replica of the older man, but he's much younger. "You have a son?" I ask him.

"He looks so vociferous," the little man states as he looks at me with an annoyed and bored expression. Vociferous, me? What the heck?

"Belt up or I'll box your ears!" I threaten, glaring at him.

"What is he saying, Dad? I don't get him." The kid confesses, furrowing his brows. The older man just shrugs and gives me a look that means 'shut up'. How dare he.

"In American, it means 'Shut up or I'll slap you'." I state.

"Mike!" Mum warns, glaring daggers at me. I roll my eyes. "Be good!"

The little guy smirks at me, and I want nothing but to kick the smirk out of his face. Evil.

When mum told me she has a new man in her life, I nearly vomited the foods I've eaten today. They are not married yet, but they are engaged. They have been dating for, like, almost 3 months. She said they met up at Starbucks. She kept talking and talking and I had no choice but to listen to her. I wanted to tell her to belt up and nobody wants to know her story, about her love life. But I didn't want to get an earful of whines and preaches from mum. She'd go ballistic and rant about most of myself are related to my father. She doesn't like father very much. She loathes him. There story is a blur to me. I have no idea as to why they broke up and ended things between them. They were sweet and lovey-dovey with each other. There were times they'd just cuddle on the sofa, watching TV. But ever since, mum is really a strict woman. She wants things to happen according to her plan, or her way. She's very prideful. She doesn't listen to anyone. Bummer. Mum just listens to herself. And I think those qualities of mum made them break up.

"You must be Mike," the man says, smiling as he offers his hand to me. I grab and shake it. His hand is warm. It's gentle yet rough, and it sends tingling sensation into me through the contact. "I'm Eros, this little guy here is my son, Brad. From your accent, you're an English man."

Duh. You don't say.

He lets go of my hand, and the source of warm feeling has shut off. I suddenly want to touch his hand again, to feel if it's still warm, to feel the gentleness of it. He gestures for us to come in, stepping aside, letting us in. Brad sticks his tongue out at me and while they are not looking, I make a fist and show it to him, indicating that I'm about to murder him. He makes a face at me and I merely taunt him, which makes him back off a little before running to his father. He hides behind his father's back and looks at me, fear evident in his eyes, but then it diminishes immediately as his father ruffles his hair. My dad used to ruffle my hair.

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