Chapter 6

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A/N: Aha! The moment you've all been waiting for! Cali and Christian finally meet! :) Enjoy! Please vote & comment! 

His back was to me so I could not see this face. He was speaking with someone on the phone, deep in conversation. I stood there and waited for him to finish. I began to get bored waiting as the minutes past so I took out my MyTouch and played Temple Run. 

"Who are you supposed to be?" a deep voice asked with a hard voice. "And when did you come in here?"

I looked up and saw a pair of hazel brown eyes staring at me with sheer coldness. I quickly put my phone away and kept my head down in embarrassment. Got in trouble already? "I'm your new secretary. I'm Cali, Cali Wilson." While still keeping my eyes down, I stuck my hand out for a handshake which was ignored and left awkwardly in midair. I put my rejected hand back down.

"You didn't answer my other question. When the hell did you get in here?" His voice sounded strangely familiar. Where did I hear it before?

"I-I heard you say that I could when I knocked," I said. Did this guy have memory problems? I did hear him.. or did I?

"I did not. I don't know if you can tell, but I was on the phone with someone extremely important."

"Sorry Mr. Wright, I must've thought I heard you give me permission to enter when you were saying it to the person on the phone..." I explained as I stared at the ground. 

"What an excuse," he scoffed. "If you're going to lie, at least think of something more believable. Do you think I'm stupid or something?"

I can't believe I'm getting yelled out for just an accidental mistake. Who did he think he was? Okay, he was my boss, but seriously man, it was a freaking accident. "It was an accident, alright? I didn't do it on purpose. And I'm telling you the truth, I wasn't lying. Can you like, relax?"

"Excuse me, did you forget who's the boss here?" 

The more I heard, the more familiar it sounded. Hm... where did I hear this voice? 

"You know you're supposed to answer someone when they ask you a question right? Who exactly do you think you are?"

I just couldn't remember. I had to take a look and see. I looked up and there he was. Shoot. Isn't that the jerk from the elevator? 

Standing in front of me, glaring at me with angry eyes once again, was the same man I saw earlier. The same light brown hair. The all black suit. Bulging veins on his neck. Hands clenching in anger. 

The moment we got eye contact, I could see recognition flicker in his eyes. 

"You!!" he yelled. 

"You're my boss??" I exclaimed in surprise. "You're the Mr. Wright I'm supposed to work for??"

"What are you doing here??"

"Say hello to your new personal secretary," I smirked and gave a tiny wave.

"What the hell! You're not qualified to work here, you're fired! Get out!" 

"I'm working under a contract. If I leave, I'll have to pay you back a lot of money, money I don't have. There's no way I'm doing that." I shook my head.

His brows furrowed and his confidence wavered. He quickly grabbed his office phone and dialled a number. "Nancy, what is this about not being able to fire..." he stopped and looked over to me. "What was your name again?"

"Cali Wilson," I mouthed. 

"... this Wilson woman, can I not fire her?" 

I could not hear what she said on the other line, but I knew it was the sound of victory. A few minutes later, he finished talking and hung up. His fists were clenched tightly together. 

"Looks like we'll be working with each other for the next 3 years,, " I said. "Just so you know, I hate working for you as much as you."

"Once those years are up, you'll be out of here before you can even step into the building. Now gather all the records of our business interactions for the past 10 years and read them. Then put together a Powerpoint on how our profits have changed since then. I want that done and presented to me in a week's time if that's alright with you," he confirmed, raising an eyebrow at me. 

"That's too little time for me. I don't think I'll be able to do all that in just a week."

"Are you not confident in your abilities? Do you want something easier because you know you're lacking for this job position?" he asked.

He was right but I wasn't going to let him know that. "No, of course not. I'll have it done in time, Mr. Wright."  

"Great then you better hurry. Time is ticking."

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