Chapter 31

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Cali's POV

For these past few days, I've been asking myself the same question: why didn't he believe me? Why?? I was his freaking girlfrend! So why wouldn't he believe me?

I've never felt so disappointed in someone before. I knew that the time we knew each was short, but I thought we, at least had mutual trust in each other. I guess I was wrong. Wrong about him, wrong about everything. It was stupid and naive of me to think we could actually be together. We were from totally different worlds. He was rich while I was poor.

Unfortunately the reality check didn't stop my heart from thinking of him. No matter how hard I tried to forget those adorable dimples when he smiled, his laugh, anything about him, it wouldn't go away.

It was the complete opposite. I started to miss him. I missed hearing his voice everyday. I missed having his arms around me every night. He was the only person I thought about. Memories of our brief, but happy times together replayed in my head over and over again. My first kiss taken by him. Our date at the carnival. I couldn't stop. Was this what if felt like to be heartbroken??

The sound of my ringtone snapped me out of my thoughts. I hastily looked around for it. When I found it and I saw who was calling, I stared at the lit up screen, frozen.

DO NOT ANSWER is calling..............

In the spur of my anger that day, I went and changed the name of his contact on my phone from 'Christian❤' to 'DO NOT ANSWER'.

I did nothing but stare at the screen as it rang. A couple rings later, it stopped. A new notification popped up on my lock screen- Missed Call from DO NOT ANSWER.

He didn't give up and tried a couple more times. Each time I ignored it and let it go straight to voicemail. At the end, I turned off my phone. I was afraid that if I didn't, my newly made resolution to forget him would be ruined.

I held onto myself for only about a few minutes before I turned it back on.

Right when it turned on, my phone started to ring. Could it be him again? When I saw who it wasn't, I frowned.

Caller ID Unknown is calling................

Even though I didn't recognize the number, I still answered it, hoping that maybe it was still him and that I could get to hear his voice.

"Ms. Wilson?"

Although it wasn't Christian, the voice sounded awfully familiar. Where did I hear this?

"It's Mr. Soo. I heard about what happened with you and Christian and I would like to apologize on his behalf for losing you over such a stupid mistake."

No wonder it sounded familiar. It was the man that was there when I fainted at work. He was much more considerate than Christian was at the time. "Mr. Soo!" I greeted happily. "Its been a long time since I've heard from you!"

He chuckled. "How are you doing Ms. Wilson? I couldn't help but feel worried when I heard that you moved out."

"I'm just fine Mr. Soo, there's no need to worry about a little person like me. I'm not Christian's girlfriend anymore."

"Where are you staying?" he asked.

I hesitated. I had a feeling that he would leak my address to Christian and I didn't want that to happen.

"Don't you worry Ms. Wilson, I won't tell anyone, especially not Christian," Mr. Soo assured over the phone.

"Okay I trust you." I told him that I was staying at a friend's house and gave him my address. I didn't tell him that the friend I was talking about was Aaron who was kind enough to take me in.

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