Chapter 19

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So this book is far from over, but I just wanted to tell you guys that when this book is near it's end, I'll be uploading a new book! :D And I just wanted to tell you all and hope you guys will definitely be reading it when this one ends(: it was be called.... *DRUM ROLLLLLLL*

Beauty and her Sarcastic Beast ;)

I think it'll be a good one(:

ANYWAY! Enjoy this chapter, remember my little 1,000 votes challenge, should you choose to accept,I know you guys want to ;) And as always 30 votes and 5+ comments before I upload? (:

Chapter 19

"You seem a little..." Allan was looking at me with an amused smile, trailing off.

He leaned back, trying to make it seem inconspicuous, but I noticed.

"Stop! Just stop moving, will you?!" I screamed at him as his weight was tipping the cable car.

"...jumpy." He finished his sentence with a smirk and chuckle.

Why in the world did he decide it was a good idea that both of us sit on one side of the cart? I gripped the bottoms of the plastic seats and gritted my teeth. That didn't stop it from chattering though and it wasn't even cold. It was spring for goodness sakes!

"Can you move to that side?" I jerked my chin slightly to the seat across from us, while trying to restrict my movements as much as possible.

"Nah, I think I'm good here." He stretched in an overly exaggerated way that shifted the cart further.

"Fine." I bit out in a snappy tone, "I'll move then!"

Easier said than done... I stood up slowly, and I mean so slow that a snail would look like a cheetah next to me, my hands never left the bottom of the seats. Even though I'm my nails were digging into age old gum on the bottom, I didn't really care. I inched over to the other side slowly, my hands never moved, so it looked like I was playing limbo. Then I slowly turned my body and finally let my hands go. My butt was about to touch the safety of the seat on the other side when Allan's hand flung out and grabbed my arm, pulling me back to his side. I crashed into him and guess what? Yup, the cart felt like it was handing on a thread, threatening to break any moment now. I screamed, full out, into Allan's ear. You'd think that he would be pissed off that I'd almost or did, make him deaf, but no, he was laughing at me.

So how exactly did I end up going on another "date" with Allan? I was upset with Damon and didn't realize a thing when Allan asked me out. And when I'm upset, I tend to just say "okay" to everything and anything that's said to me. As you can see, I didn't realize I accepted his date. It was already too late to back out of it, since the next time I saw him, he was picking me up for our "date".

Well, at least it got my mind off Damon, especially because I'm fearing for my life right now. And if Damon was pretending that our kiss never happened, then I will too. If he insisted that I'm supposed to be with Allan, than I'll make it work. The thought actually sent a sharp pain through my heart, but I pushed it away. If I really was meant to be with Allan, I'll forget about Damon eventually.... Right?

I hope that was really the case.

"You can open your eyes now," Allan laughed in my ear.

Yeah, I was still clinging on to him like a cat with a ball of yarn, but if you were as scared as I am of heights, you'd understand why. I felt the cart come to a stop and exhaled the breath I'd been holding for at least the last five minutes. When I opened my eyes, it took some time to adjust since I was squeezing them shut so tightly.

"I'm glad that's over..." I muttered as I stepped off the death trap with the help of a worker.

"It wasn't that bad." Allan rolled his eyes at me.

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