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Bessie did not allow Catherine to forget her promise to recount every last detail of her time in Barnbury. It had now been four days since Catherine had first been permitted to visit Bessie, and she was most relieved to witness a daily improvement in her sister's state of health. Although she tired easily, she was becoming stronger as time went by – she had been seen picking up a pencil to sketch a little every now and then, a sight which greatly pleased Catherine. But Catherine also felt rather anxious – she knew that it would not be long before Bessie became restless, wishing to be allowed out of her bedchamber.

Much as Catherine wanted to see Bessie up and about again, she knew even without consulting Dr Lovell that this would not be advisable just yet. Bessie had a habit of overexerting herself in her desperate bid to return to normality, and far too many times this had led to a relapse on the road to recovery from illness. Catherine could not help but feel responsible for causing this particular ailment, and so was determined that this time nothing was to stand in the way of Bessie's recovery. She hoped, therefore, that by sharing her news from Barnbury she might capture Bessie's interest for a while, and distract her from her boredom.

Without much excitement occupying her life, Bessie was always a very attentive audience to Catherine's tales about any party or social event she attended. This particular tale had everything Bessie loved best – balls, romance, and drama – and she devoured every word eagerly, sighing wistfully and gasping with outrage in turn, before crying aloud and clapping a hand to her face in horror when Catherine told of her foolish behaviour with William.

"Oh, Catherine!" moaned Bessie in a rather muffled voice. "How could you have thought such a ridiculous thing? He is our cousin! You have known each other your entire lives, and there has never been so much as a glimmer of romantic affection from either of you! He has always been a perfect gentleman, giving kind-hearted compliments – why would you believe him to be in love with you?"

"I truly cannot say," replied Catherine grimly. This was turning out to be far more excruciating than conveying the news by letter. Bessie's horrified reaction brought back all the pain and mortification Catherine had originally felt that night at the ball; it was as if the wounds were being opened afresh, and she wished once again, more strongly than ever, that Bessie had been with her that night. Often having a great deal of time with nothing to do but think, Bessie was a shrewd, reflecting young girl, and although eight years her senior, Catherine regarded her sister's opinion highly. This reaction from Bessie therefore made Catherine truly realise the sheer idiocy of her actions.

"Nobody feels the pain and mortification as strongly as I," Catherine assured her sister.

"Except perhaps William," replied Bessie seriously.

"Oh, I cannot forgive myself for behaving so dreadfully with him!" wailed Catherine. "He was the only one in Barnbury besides my aunt and uncle who treated me with anything like kindness, and now he will despise me for ever!"

"There now, Catherine, I feel you are being a little dramatic," soothed Bessie gently. "William is a good man; with time I am sure he will forgive you."

A brief silence ensued, during which Catherine lost herself in her humiliation, while Bessie considered something thoughtfully.

"As for the other members of Barnbury society," Bessie said now, in a gentle attempt to change the subject, "Mr and Mrs Wilmot sounded pleasant enough people from what you have said."

"I thought so at first," muttered Catherine darkly, "but I do not see how Mr Wilmot can be such a decent man if he became friends with the horrid Professor Lawes."

Catherine expected her sister to nod earnestly in agreement at this point; after all, Catherine had just told Bessie at length about the professor's numerous failings, so her sister was aware by now of the sort of dreadful man he was. Bessie, however, simply lapsed into another thoughtful silence – and Catherine was certain she detected the hint of a smirk in her expression!

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