Chapter 6

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I woke up around 7 am, the time I usually get up. And josh was in with amelia.
"Why arent you in the living room looking out?" I said annoyed. Mostly because I just woke up.
"Shh, Amelia was crying, and I think it attracked one of those things..."
"Oh my god where is it then? You just left it?"
"I heard it from the backyard..." He had the handgun next to him.
"Ok number one, get that gun away from amelia josh, and number two, how long ago was it?" He glared at me, and pushed the gun aside.
"Not even five minutes ago..."
"Well, check carefully. So they dont see you, if they are out there." Josh handed me amelia and she smiled. She got up and wanted to walk...
"Meel, you gotta stay in here with mom and dad..."
"SHUT UP!" Josh whisper yelled.
"God, oh god" he backed up to the door freaked out.
"What what is it?" I said.
"Theres at least 10 of them out there..."
"No way..." I picked up amelia and she was being fussy.
"Stop it!" I said. She looked at me, with those breath taking green eyes and they filled with tears.
"No no no we have to be quiet so those meanies dont come over here ok meel?"
Her lip started quivering.
"No shhhhhhhh you cant be loud baby ok?"
She was taking short breaths, about to let out a loud cry, but josh turned on his phone. The gummy bear song. She stopped and jumped out of my lap. Sitting on the edge of the bed. Completely occupied now.
"What are we going to do?"
"I dont know, we cant get all of them---"
"BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG" we all flinched and plugged our ears. Amelia was crying for sure now. That was the sound of a shotgun blowing brains out. Amelia was crying so hard it was silent, it probably scared her to death.
"Shhh..." I turned the tv on flipping through the channels. Shark tale. The movie? Anyway, josh looked outside confused.
"They are dead, must be cops or hunters..."
Just then there was a knock at our door.

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