Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

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So, with The Force Awakens due to premier this Christmas, I figured it was about time for me to go ahead and watch the last of the prequel movies in the Star Wars series. I know RotS (Revenge of the Sith) came out in 2005, but back then I was much too young for a movie so dark, so my parents made the decision not to let me watch it until I was 15. I never got around to it, and here I am, 10 years since it's release, and I've yet to watch it! So last night I started watching it, and my thoughts on the first half (up to Order 66) is "epic space battles, bad puns, shitty witty dialogue, lightsaber duels that look like two kids swinging sticks at each other (don't even get me started on the Darth Sidious Vs Jedi Master Mace Windu duel, four Masters, all on the High Council, and three of them die pretty much instantly, one from a painfully slow thrust, that he easily could have parried, hell, I could've, and the whole part where Mace is reflecting Palpatine's Sith Lightning back at him was just poor acting, especially on Palpatine's part...) and overall, just a bad movie...then it gets interesting, Order 66 is declared, and we get a bunch of really sad, depressing scenes of various Jedi being betrayed by their Clone Troops. Aayla Secura betrayed by Commander Bacara, Ki-Adi Mundi attacked by Commander Gree, Obi-Wan attacked by Cody, Plo Koon shot down by his own was poignant, and fairly well done (mostly because there wasn't any real dialogue...other than "Execute Order 66", "It will be done My Lord", or "The time has come, Execute Order 66" which made it MUCH better xD...). And the scene where Anakin leads the 501st (the regiment that will become known as "Vader's Fist") into the Temple to slaughter the Jedi still stationed there, is heart wrenching, especially when he walks into the chamber, and the lil  Younglings are all like "There's too many of them Master Skywalker, what're we gonna do?" (In a cute little accent) and his only reply is to ignite his saber. Though I'm VERY glad it didn't actually depict him slaughtering a bunch of kids. Though the scene where Bail Organa rushes to the Temple to find out the cause of the chaos was a little dark, a teenage Apprentice ambushes the Troopers, probably in an attempt to escape, but is gunned down in front of the Senator, eliciting a pained "NO!" From the Alderaanian. I especially thought the emotional confrontation of Master and former Padawan was very well done, as well as the following duel to the death, those two scenes had the best acting and choreography of the whole movie, it almost, ALMOST, makes up for the disappointing battles in the beginning. The Yoda versus Palpatine's duel was short, but fairly epic, tossing hover platforms around the massive Senate Chamber was a nice touch, as was the symbolism in Yoda's plummet from the Chancellor's platform all the way to the chamber floor, where he landed in a disgraced heap. Signifying (in my mind) the fall of the Jedi Order, and the rise of the Sith. The scenes of Padme's delivery of the twins and Anakin's transformation into Vader were well done, and Vader's scarred, badly mutilated almost-corpse was very...disturbing, though accurate, as to what would happen if you managed to survive being covered in flames for hours (possibly days, considering that Coruscaunt is on the opposite side of the Galaxy from Mustafar, and it takes weeks in Hyperspace to travel that distance, but I digress). The cliche'd "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" I've heard so much about was just as awful as I thought it was, it's very difficult to even imagine the towering Vader displaying an emotional response to all, I'd give the movie a 6/10, I'd recommend watching it, just once, maybe twice for a Star Wars marathon after VII is released, but that's about it.

That's all folks! Whaddya think of my first review? If you have any requests, leave them in the comments, along with your own opinions on RotS, remember, this review is just my opinion, as a massive fan of the Star Wars franchise, you are entitled to your own opinion of course.

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