Robotics; Notes

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Do you like giant robots? Do you like high schoolers attempting to build giant robots? For the first few episodes, that's what I thought R;N was all about. Then, around 6 episodes in, things started to get darker. Talk of mass genocide, extinction-level events, Coronal Mass Ejections causing rampant climate change on earth, robot uprisings, secret organizations trying to bring about these disasters. It all becomes very much an action anime, especially in the last 4 episodes, where you see an ACTUAL, semi-realistic giant robot fight. No lasers or anything that fancy, but it's still a GIANT FRIGGIN ROBOT FIGHT. Granted, it lasts all of four moves, but that's a lot more realistic considering that the robots involved are supposed to be using near-future tech, so while impressive, they aren't all that durable, no armor, no shields. It's still a very worthwhile anime to watch, there's a tad bit of romance  implied thought, but things don't actually kick off until WAY TOO LATE (in my opinion as a hopeless romaniac...). Be warned, the first episode doesn't work at the link I'm sending you (to be honest, I got impatient and started with 2... :-P)

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