Chuunibyou demo KOI ga Shitai

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Or Chu-2 for short, translates to "Even with Adolescent Delusions, I Want to be In Love" and details the lives of Yuuta Togashi and Rikka Takanashi. The former is a recovering Chunni, or delusional teen, while the latter is still a full-fledged nutjob, who insists on wearing a medical eyepatch, wearing a gold contact lens over one eye, and refers to herself as 'The Eye of the Wicked Lord.' The story details the struggles the two face in their first year of high school. Yuuta attempts to forget the embarrassment of his middle school delusions, whilst trying to prevent Rikka from dragging him into her own delusions, which rarely works. I won't say more beyond that, other than that this romantic comedy is the absolute BEST thing I've watched this year, I was so in love with this romantic comedy, I binge-watched all 25 episodes (two seasons) in a day and a half, downloaded copies of both opening songs, and have Chu-2 wallpapers on my laptop. In my opinion, Chu-2's actually BETTER, than Toradora! /O_O\
Season 1:
Season 2:

What saddens me, is that there is so little worthwhile fan fiction for this particular anime, a measly 8-9 stories on, and (I'm guessing) zero on here (based on the fact that there are NO Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha fanfics on Wattpad...)

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