Chapter Nine

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Shannon's eyes were wide. Had he... Had Jonathan Crane just ask her, Shannon Gordon, to marry him? The usually emotionless vessel had just asked for lifelong commitment and love? Shannon sat in shock, her brown eyes wide in plain astonishment. As she stared at the beautiful white-gold band that was reflecting her.

"Shannon?" Jonathan snapped, making Shannon jump. "Oh dear, I'm sorry," Jonathan quickly apologized. He hadn't been trying to scare her.. He was just-

"Yes," Shannon said softly, cutting Jonathan's thoughts short.

"W-what did you say?" Jonathan asked in a whisper. Shannon smiled, looking at Jonathan. He looked so vulnerable, and then so happy! He launched at Shannon, hugging her and kissing her, then slipping the band onto the ring finger of her left hand.

"Would you like to tell me where we are now, Jonathan?" Shannon asked, looking back at the cute blue house.

"Our home," Jonathan whispered in Shannon's ear. She felt him smile against her skin.

"Our  home?" Shannon squeaked excitedly.

"Indeed, my love," Jonathan responded, "Barbara helped me pick it out. She said it was a bit off the beaten path and you probably would prefer that... She also helped me pack your things and bring them here little by little."

"How?.." Shannon began to ask, but then remembered that Barbara had been setting out her clothes recently. Shannon had been trying to do it by herself, but Barbara had claimed she wanted her to relax as her job was stressful. Since Barbara had set out her clothes. Shannon hadn't even bothered to look into the sets of drawers that held her clothing..

"We were pretty sure you'd say yes.." Jonathan admitted with a shy smile. Shannon grinned, laughing.

"I couldn't say no to you, Jonathan," she told him, kissing his lips lightly, "Never." She didn't notice the smirk that came to his mouth oh so briefly at her words.

"I know, darling," he responded sweetly, before picking her back up, and walking up the steps completely. The front door was already slightly ajar, as Jonathan had left it a bit open the night before. Shannon gasped as they came upon the quaint living area. It was a pastel yellow, and merged with an arch into a kitchen of the same color; a color that looked so very much like sunshine. The furniture was white, as were the curtains, and the floors were light. Bookshelves lined the wall farthest from the front door, the line only being broken by another arch that led to something that Shannon could tell was a hallway with light beige coloring. There was a comfortable looking loveseat straight in the line of light a window to the side provided, facing the window to look out upon a garden at the side of the house. Near it was a nice armchair she supposed Jonathan would sit in.  Between the two seats was a small light wood table, a light sitting atop of it.

"Would you like to see the rest of the home?" Jonathan asked, lightly. Shannon looked up to him with a wide smile and nodded.  

They went to the kitchen next. It was perfect to Shannon with the same flooring as the living room and matching cabinets with white granite tops. Before a large window was a small dining table with two chairs, a vase with buttercups in the center. In there, too, was an arch to the hallway which Jonathan took her to next. The first room, he announced, was a spare room in which he'd be staying until he and Shannon were wed- he was a traditional man and didn't believe two should share a bed out of wedlock. It was a good sized bedroom, pale green in color, with light furniture and flooring. The second room was a bathroom, themed like a beach with the sky blue coloring and sandy colored tiles.

The third was the bedroom Jonathan announced they would share in due time. When he opened the door, Shannon expected soft colors but instead found herself faced with dark wine colored walls, mahogany flooring, and almost black wooded furniture. The dark curtains were pulled, but a few candles were lit on the dresser, their tiny flames reflected in the rounded mirror.

"I hope you don't mind the color," Jonathan mumbled, sitting Shannon on the bed, "It was this color when I got here.. I painted all the other rooms, but this one. I can re-paint it though, if you'd like." He watched Shannon as she looked around the dark room in awe.

"I love it," he whispered, her grin returning to her, "It's so romantic. It's lovely Jonathan!" Jonathan gave her a light smile before helping her back on her feet.

"Would you like to go relax in your living room? I can fix you a hot glass of tea," Jonathan offered, to which Shannon nodded in agreement as her fiancé carried her back out into the hallway, towards the arch leading to the living room. But before he got there, Shannon noticed another door.

"What's that?" Shannon asked, craning her neck to see the door over Jonathan's shoulder as he turned into the living room.

"My office," Jonathan explained simply, "I would show you but it is quite a mess.. and  there's some- uh- specialized paper work in there."

"Oh, it's fine," Shannon smiled as she was sat down on the loveseat. She leaned back against one of the pillows, feeling quite comfortable and warm.

"Good," Jonathan said, kissing her forehead, "I'll get you that tea, then." He smiled at her, then went to the kitchen to boil the water and ready the warm drink for Shannon. He noticed, as he was heating it, that night had began falling. When he returned to Shannon, the windows were darkened and she was fast asleep.

Jonathan smiled a bit, sitting the mug down  on the side table before he moved to close the drapes.

"Shannon, darling," he mumbled quietly as he sat down in his armchair, "you probably don't realize it, but when I said I'd protect you, I meant to the fullest extent.. I killed that man who almost took you from me, and I'd do it again. I would tell you to your face, but I don't wish to frighten you, my love.." Jonathan ran his tongue over his dry lips, reaching for the mug of tea. He took a sip, and continued, "I'll kill anyone who tries to take you from me, Shannon, and I won't think twice. You are mine..."

He probably sounded crazy, if anyone else was listening. And no one was. Jonathan took another sip from the mug.

"It doesn't bother me, you know, Shannon," he went on, "Killing, I mean. Murdering. I've done it before... My brother.. I told you, darling, he tormented me every day of my life.. He deserved it, he really did.. But now, I could go after anyone. I just don't feel what's so wrong- it isn't like there aren't a million others around. Even you... No, no.. I wouldn't kill you, Shannon. I love you...

"I don't very much like killing, honestly, if that helps any. I've only killed perhaps thrice. And the last time I did was on accident. I wasn't trying to kill him, no..." Jonathan stopped, finishing off the tea and standing. He walked to Shannon, and lifted her up. "You've inspired me greatly, love," he explained as he carried her back to the hallway, "You and my brother. I know your fear, Shannon. I felt it once.. until I decided to not feel it anymore. He broke me, Shannon. He made me like this... But, you help... I will make them feel our pain, Shannon. I will drive those who defy us mad with fear- beautiful fear, my love."

Jonathan pushed open the bedroom door and walked in, lying Shannon on the plush comforter of the crimson bed. She moaned softly in her sleep as he let her go, making him smile softly. Jonathan kissed her head, then moved out of the room. Instead of going to the spare room, though, he turned towards his office. Taking a key out of his pocket, he unlocked the door , and pushed it open to show a room that was indeed messy, but not exactly what an office was to look like. Switching on the single light illuminated a wall lined with tabled on which vials of chemicals sat, in varying shades of green and purple. In the middle sat a desk, papers thrown all over it. On the other wall was a book case filled with binders detailing Jonathan's private experiments and a few other things. A corkboard was also hanging on that wall, with pictures of asylum occupants- Shannon's patients- and their information, some news articles, and almost a shrine to Shannon herself with some notes on her personality.

Jonathan sighed, pushing his glasses up. Everything was going as planned so far, and that's the way Jonathan intended to keep it.


Tada! I am not dead- infact, I am returning to you! 

So what do you think of this lovely chapter eleven and the wonderfully crazy Jonathan Crane? *attack hugs Jonathan* I personally love him.

Jonathan- *glares* I beleive we have talked about this.

Me- Right *backs away* Sorry, sorry..

Fearful and the Fearless- A Jonathan Crane Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now