IV Percy

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Sorry for taking a little longer than planned! I've got homework and projects and soccer and all that loveliness. Anyways enjoy the story!

As Percy stood on the deck keeping watch he let his thoughts wander once again. He had to leave. There was nothing else he could do. He couldn't risk being possessed by Gaia and accidentally hurting one of his friends. Sighing he leaned forward on the railing, staring into the sky. Percy felt a presence behind him and turned quickly, uncapping Riptide as he did. He stopped, seeing it was only Jason and was about to ask a question before Jason spoke.

"Hey, I'll take watch. You need a good sleep." Percy was about to protest but something in Jason's eyes told him he wasn't going to win.

"Fine." Percy mumbled reluctantly before yawning hugely. He smiled sheepishly. "Guess that whole possession thing wore me out pretty good, huh?" Then he walked back to his cabin and quickly shut the door behind him. Percy flopped onto his bed and rubbed his temples, letting out a sigh of relief. He was about to close his eyes before it happened again. That split second of coldness and then it was gone, but he knew what it meant now. "No! Stop!" He shouted. Percy drew another breath, ready to shout out a warning to everyone else before suddenly, he couldn't. He slipped back into his mind and found himself once again in that stupid wooden chair, unable to move. He couldn't see anything. Gaia must have closed his eyes.

"Well little demigod," Gaia spoke in his mind. "I see you still think you can defeat me. But don't worry, I'll fix that." Her laugh was harsh in Percy's mind, a sound that reminded him of nails on a chalkboard. Percy's vision suddenly brightened and he found himself staring at the ceiling. Against his will, his body stood up and proceeded to look in the mirror.

"Oh, this won't do." Gaia said through his mouth. He was looking at his eyes, which were a red color. It was unnatural to be staring at himself, but not actually being himself. The red eyes made Percy anxious, but he realized at least everyone would know he was being possessed. Then his eyes returned to their normal color and Gaia laughed again. "Time to go say hello."

"No!" Percy shouted at Gaia. "You won't hurt anyone!" He was struggling desperately, trying to get out of his invisible bonds. Gaia only laughed and began searching his room. She pulled out his desk drawer and grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil. On it she wrote: Hey Leo, I lost my voice. How's it going with repairs? Gaia laughed again, picked up the paper and walked out the door. She walked down the hall and entered the engine room, where Leo could be seen working on something. As Gaia walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder, Percy struggled desperately. He couldn't let Leo or anybody else get hurt just because he was too weak to stop this. He watched as Leo read the paper and Gaia mimicked writing with something.

"Oh you need a pen? No problemo!" In the split second that Leo looked down to reach inside his tool belt, Gaia stepped forward and punched him in the stomach. Leo gasped in pain and stumbled backwards.

"No!" Percy yelled. He concentrated, imagined Gaia being thrown from his body and suddenly he was himself again. Gasping for breath, Percy nearly collapsed, grabbing onto a nearby pipe just in time. "Leo." He gasped out. "Run...tell the others." He could feel himself slipping again. Leo only stared dumbfounded at him and Percy grabbed his shoulders. "Listen to me! She's coming back!" That jolted Leo back to reality and taking the hint, he sprinted out of the engine room yelling to the others as he went.

Percy slipped back into his mind scape once again. He was really starting to hate that place. Gaia looked down the hall, towards where Leo had run. "Why must you make things difficult Perseus?" She asked angrily. Percy gritted his teeth.

"It's Percy. And it's my pleasure." Gaia growled menacingly and stalked down the hall. She checked every room, but they were all empty. Leo had managed to warn everyone in time. Percy sighed with relief and once again concentrated on getting Gaia out of his mind. It was tricky. He had to get her out using a powerful surge of anger and it took all of his willpower to do so, but so long as he got angry, Gaia could possess him again.

As Gaia climbed the stairs to the deck she was met with the glares of six demigods. Annabeth was the first to speak.

"Get out of my boyfriend's body or by the gods I swear I will give you a one way pass to Tartarus!" Percy could see how furious she was, her blond, curly hair in a ponytail being whipped by the winds created by Jason, probably unintentionally, and her gray eyes stormy and calculating. He tried to channel her anger, giving a motive to himself. He couldn't let her get hurt, no matter what.

Gaia stared at them for what seemed an eternity to Percy's ADHD mind. She tilted his head slightly sideways and gave a mischievous smile. "Oh, I don't think you want to do that." She said.

"Give me one reason." Annabeth growled. Gaia simply shook Percy's head and stood still.

"You see I don't have to. I'd like to see you try." Gaia said tauntingly. Percy could tell she was goading Annabeth, trying to get her to attack. He knew that if she did, Gaia would do nothing, and Percy would be the one injured, not her. He concentrated so hard, he felt as if his head would split open. Suddenly, Annabeth lunged forward, despite the desperate calls from the rest of the seven, just as Percy regained control. He crumpled to the ground, feeling numb and tripped up Annabeth.

She sprawled on the floor next to him and swiftly turned around again. "Oh my gods, Seaweed Brain!" She crawled over to him and lifted his face in her hands. Despite the situation, all Percy could think about was how soft they felt. "What happened?" She asked quietly. His throat felt like it was hosting a party for a hundred wasps, but he managed to choke out,

"Gaia. She-she took over again." Annabeth stared worriedly at him, as well as the rest of the seven.

"How?!" Piper asked. "I thought she could only do that when you're angry!" Percy shrugged before swallowing and relying.

"I don't know, I must have been angry at her or something. So, I guess I just have to not get angry. I can't give her another opportunity." Suddenly he started coughing, his throat protesting its use.

"We're getting you to infirmary." Annabeth said decisively. Percy opened his mouth to protest, but Annabeth only glared at him, and he quickly shut it again. Annabeth held out her hand for Percy to grab and she hauled him up off the floor. He stumbled slightly, the whole deck feeling like it was spinning. Annabeth reached out to help again, but he shook his head.

"No, I'm fine. I can walk." With that he fought back the surge of nausea and stumbled back down below deck to the infirmary.

Okay! Hey guys! Sorry again for the wait but we were kind of plunged head first into Science Fair and gallons of homework in preparation for High school. It sucks so much. Anyways that means that it definitely won't be weekly updates. It might have to be monthly from now on, but on the bright side that means longer chapters! Plus I might be able to get more done over Winter Break if we don't have family over the entire time. Until next chapter!


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