Tip #1

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^^Most Emotional Music

When sketching, you know that imagination is key. So how do you trigger that creative side of you? Here's a tip that is only for some people.

Depending on your taste in music, this could be useful. Before I even get out my pencil and paper, I grab my speaker and my ipod to put on some tunes.

The music I listen to opens up my imagination and ideas flow from each note.

Youtube is the best source for all your music choices.

Do you like soft music? Do you powerful music? Do you enjoy intense songs?

If your answers are Yes Yes and Yes, then look no further.

Go on Youtube and look up:
Most Emotional Music
Most Epic Music
Most Wondrous Music

These videos are filled with song after song and are usually 2 hour mixes with instrumental music.

I hope this helps your drawings really come alive like mine do.

Feel free to contact me on my instagram @erin.forstner

Or just comment if you have any questions.


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