Chapter 6 - The Nosy Best Friend

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The Atwood Ranch was located on a winding dirt road about twenty minutes outside of Ennis, Texas.

It wasn't a very big city; a suburb of Dallas, it had a population of less than 20,000. Even with the growing number of chain restaurants and big brand stores, it definitely still had that small town feel whenever I drove through.

"You can look through my CDs if you want," John said suddenly, breaking through another long stretch of silence between us. He looked at me for a second, seeming to realize how silent he was being and looking almost apologetic about it.

"Alright," I said softly, opening the compartment he'd motioned to and grabbing the leather case. His collection was very varied, from classic rock to outlaw country, with some more mainstream country mixed in. I saw Tim McGraw on a CD cover and immediately made a grab for it.

"I haven't listened to his latest stuff all that much," John pointed out when the first track on the CD started to play.

"He's so great! I went to see him live a couple years ago - I was a junior in high school so about seventeen... Anyway, I went with my best friend and a couple of other people... Brad Paisley is another one I like, I got to see him live more recently... again with Maisy... He puts on a good show..." I grinned, leaning back into the seat and watching him.

His seat was pushed back to accommodate his long legs; he seemed so confident and at ease on the road, with one hand gripping the wheel and his other arm, the one closest to me, resting lazily against the armrest. His fingers were drumming against the leather to the beat coming from his radio.

He remained silent, his dark eyes hidden underneath the sunglasses he wore.

"Never been to a concert before," he said finally, his expression unwavering.

"I only started goin' to them when I was a teenager," I admitted. "I suppose they do get pretty loud, and being as short as I am... plus with my luck... I usually end up standing behind this really tall guy with his girlfriend on his shoulders or somethin'," I laughed.

"Who's your favorite artist?" John asked me. I was surprised, it wasn't like him to attempt to push a conversation forward.

"Oh gosh, that's a tough one," I laughed. "Um... I want to say Luke Bryan, but that's just so cliché... I suppose in terms of lyrics... Some of Brad Paisley's older stuff is pretty amazing... Then and We Danced... they'd make the perfect weddin' songs... His newer, goofier stuff is great too... I love all of the songs on his latest album..." I rambled, feeling myself flush. He probably didn't really want to know all of this.

"So you're into all of that cheesy romance stuff," John chuckled. It was more a fact than a question. I ducked my head and let my blonde waves act as a curtain to hide my blush. "Nothin' wrong with that, don't get me wrong... so am I," he added and I regretted not looking at him then to gauge his expression.

Was he trying to flirt with me?

I was too caught off-guard to respond and he didn't speak either, so another long stretch of silence fell between us, with nothing but the music to keep me from completely losing my mind.

Fortunately, we arrived downtown soon after and I quickly escaped the confines of his truck. The sun was blazing and the air was a little muggy, but still I felt as though I could breathe ten times easier. He was really doing a number on me, and the worst part of it is... I was pretty sure he knew.

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