Chapter 19 - Let's Talk About Sex

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"I want to have sex with John," I told Maisy the week after she returned home from her honeymoon with Darryl.

"Okay, thanks for the information," Maisy snorted.

"No, I mean... for... um, for the first time," I said dumbly, feeling a blush creep up my neck. I gave her a look, hoping she'd understand exactly what I meant. " first time."

Her mouth made a perfect 'O'. She nodded.

We were at her house mixing up some margaritas and waiting for our peanut butter brownies to finish baking. Reagan had to work for another hour, but she'd be joining us as soon as she could for a girls' night in. Amy, one of our old friends from high school and a co-worker of Reagan's, would be coming along too. I was actually really looking forward to the night's events; it'd been a while since we got to spend time together without worrying about wedding preparations.

To make things even more interesting, Maisy had the great idea to get Darryl and a few of his friends to invite John out to watch the game over a couple of beers, so the boys were at Steve's – one of Darryl's friends and Amy's husband – right now having some fun of their own.

I loved spending as much time as possible with John but I wasn't dumb enough to think I could be the center of his world, just like he couldn't be the center of mine. Even a guy as introverted as he was needed to spend some time with people that weren't his girlfriend, and Darryl was a great guy with similar interests... so hey, it was a match made in bromance heaven.

He probably really needed some guy time anyway, so I was glad he decided to accept. To be honest, at first I didn't think he would.

"Did you talk to him about it?" Maisy asked.

"No... I mean... I thought it'd come up when we went camping a couple days ago..." I hesitated, running my fingers through my hair. "I figured it's what he wanted since he was the one that suggested we hitch a tent and stay overnight... but he didn't even try to get in my pants! We made out a lot... and that got pretty intense... but then we just cuddled and fell asleep," I blushed.

"Aw, that's so cute!" Maisy gushed.

I hid my scarlet face behind my hands.

When I was dating my ex from high school, I never talked about this kind of thing with Maisy as it was never an issue. I never wanted to have sex with him, and while he did try to put the moves on me, I always set him straight.

Of course, maybe the fact that I wouldn't put out was why he went looking elsewhere. I thought he was fine when I told him I wanted to wait. He told me he was fine. I thought he'd wait with me, but apparently the reason why he was fine was because he was getting some elsewhere. I was so stupid; I should have seen the signs!

Maisy seemed to know exactly what I was thinking.

"John isn't like that; I've only met him a couple times... but I've seen the way he looks at you. It's the same way Darryl looks at me. He's not the strayin' kind. If you ain't ready darlin', the boy's just gonna have to get used to his hand," she shrugged.

"Maisy! Oh my God, stop sayin' stuff like that!" I blushed again, bursting into giggling fits.

"What? I didn't say anything wrong! Masturbation is very healthy and completely natural! John totally does it, get used to it," she smirked, wriggling her brows at me.

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