Chapter 2 II Everything's different now

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Check out Rose on the side.


Nights were the worst.

They were dark and incredibly cold. We had no electricity in here, so when winter came along, a lot of people in our region died.

Since the day they came, there was death everywhere.


I don't know how long I was out.

Maybe hours. Maybe days. Maybe weeks. All I know was that I woke up in this strange room and my father was with me. He looked exhausted, like he hadn't slept in days. His brown eyes were red – he cried.

I looked around. Room was small. Walls were thin and they looked like they will collapse if the wind starts blowing. There was no door in between of two rooms just some kind of curtain. We had a bunk bed and it wasn't really comfortable. I got up and looked around. I went to the old door and opened them.

For a moment I was out of breath.

I was on second floor of this, you can say, group of apartments. There were hundreds of them.
There was some dusty path between the place I was standing on and other similar group of apartments.

No one was out. I was the only one.

"What the hell?" I asked no one in particular.

Suddenly I felt someone dragging me inside. I turned around to see my father with worried expression on his face.

"You can't just walk out like this. We have curfew in here", he said. I didn't understand any of the things he was saying.

"What curfew? What's going on, dad? Where is grandma?" I asked.

"Listen, sweetie, some things have happened..." he started saying with pained expression, "It's not the same anymore, the world is different now"


"They came", he simply said.

"Who are they?"

"We don't know yet, but we know they are not from our planet."

"What? Aliens?"

"Guess you can say it like that", he said and I sat on the bed. That couldn't be true. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but nothing came out of my mouth.

"Your grandma..." he murmured after some time, "she didn't make it"

"What?" I asked getting up quickly.

"There was fire... I-I don't know how it happened. I was outside, I saw smoke and heard familiar voice screaming. It was our house. I wanted to come in, but then I heard that tone and I just fell unconscious. I woke up yesterday and I found you like this. I went out and saw few people. I was as clueless as you are. They told me about them. They put us here so we can't make trouble. I haven't seen them yet. Nobody have. They just heard their voice telling them a bunch of rules and threatening them - threatening us"

"Oh, God..." was the only thing I could say.

End of flashback

A lot of things have changed since then. We still don't know who they are or what they want, but we learned a few things about them. There are just few differences between us and them. They look like we look, they talk like we talk, they walk like we walk, but they are so much different.

You can only recognize them by their weird colored eyes. I didn't see those eyes just yet, but I've heard people talk. They say that if you look in them too much you'll go insane.

I have seen them just four times in this year and three of four times they came with weapons shooting people.

We barely survived winter, and now summer is coming to an end. My father is not talking to me as much as he used to. Maybe it's because he was elected to present us in front of them. He knows a lot and I, on the other hand, know nothing. He leaves region every morning and he comes back late at night exhausted. When I asked him what is it that he is doing he just said that he is trying to make things better.

I am spending most of my time with Layla. We found each other a week after I woke up. She helped me with my grief first few weeks. I just couldn't bare the fact that I have lost my grandmother and that the last time I saw her we got into fight. Layla stayed positive, kind and caring person she was before this all happened and I'm so thankful for that. If she wasn't here I don't know how would I survive all of this.

Alien Invading My HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora