12. The Devil's Sweet Sister

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"I will keep an account of every drop of blood that drops from your body... I will keep your last breath locked in my fist... I will destroy you so much that your body will feel the pain while you live... But your soul will scream even after you die."

-Damien Knight.


The King's chambers,

Crystaline Castle.


~~~~~~~~~Two weeks later~~~~~~~

Letting out a exhausted sigh, I leaned my back on the side of the bathtub.

Every limb in my body was screaming in pain from being stiff for too long. I just got done with cleaning the King's bathroom. Which was a difficult task considering it was huge! If someone gave me a bedroom this size to stay in, I would be the happiest person alive.

My arms were tired from constantly scrubbing the now shinning, marble bathtub. It shimmered due to the sunlight hitting it from the small window. I was actually proud of my work.

It's been two weeks since I've moved to the King's bedroom and it was not much better than staying in those closed prison doors.

On the second day of my stay here, I remember waking up because of cold water being splashed on my sleeping face. It was an old maid who screamed at me for sleeping for so long, even though it was seven when I checked the time. Then she handed me some cleaning supplies and a list of chores I had to do. She said and I quote, "you can't be laying around like a queen bee, the king ordered that you are to clean his room everyday and be his personal slave. He told me to give you this list of chores you have to do. You'll find a new list on that table everyday." After giving me a last shove, she walked out of the room.

The list was basically the same everyday, which somewhat went like this:

Make my bed (I see any wrinkles, I'll kill you ).
Clean my bathroom. (Any drop of water in sight, I'll kill you ).
Take out my dirty clothes to laundry room. (find it yourself ).
Fix my closet. (but open the second drawer in second row and I'll kill you).
Clean the windows (should be crystal clear ).

I could almost hear those threats coming out of his mouth in a already pissed off tone.

Some days, the maid told me to do extra work if I was finished early. Which was hardly ever the case since his majesty always left with his room looking like a tornado just hit it.

I don't get how he can make a complete mess of it in just a few hours he's here. Sometimes I strongly believe it's just to make me suffer more.

I haven't seen the king at all this past weeks. I'm always fast asleep before he even returns to his room, but sometimes, I would faintly hear him stumble his way into the room, and then the coldness around would suddenly dissappear, replaced by a comforting warmth provided by a soft blanket.

However, the king always leaves before I'm even awake.

Which means he only sleeps like, what, five hours?

But I guess Vampires don't really need to sleep to charge their energy, they just need blood.

I was kind of glad for not having to come across him. He scared me to no end.

I've heard his voice when he gets angry, which is way too often. When he's yelling at someone, the sound booms off the walls at this part of the castle.

Maybe the reason why he's so angry is because he just seemed to be really busy working all the time. Does he even have friends?

He probably doesn't, that would explain why he doesn't know how to talk without being rude to people.

The Vampire KingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora