27. Vampire Hunters

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"I put your name on the bullet so everyone knows you were the last thing that went through my head."


The King's bedroom,

Crystalline Castle.


************ Alexis' POV************

"She's human, just like you." Damien started, "but she's a vampire hunter."

I took a step away from him so I could see his face. I've heard stories from Maria about Vampire hunters who existed in the human world. They brutally kill any Vampire they get their hands on. They had their own special way to find and torture the species they hated so much. Because of them having their own advanced weapons, not even a single Vampire had stood a chance against them.

But that's in the human world. How did they even get to this side in the first place?

Sensing my unasked question, Damien said, "They use to be just harmless humans brought here by one of the kingdoms to be used as slaves, servants, or just as a meal. But then that Kingdom was invaded by another king, and after that, everything just kind of turned into a chaos. The humans had no master because he was killed, so they just wandered around for a while looking for a home. The new King was so overcome with the amount of power he now held, that all the human activities going on was ignored by him. They formed groups, each one of them having a main leader. Then eventually, those leaders decided to combine their groups to form a larger community. An election was held and Aryan Mallow was chosen as their president. He holds a burning hatred towards our kind because his wife was killed while they were being transported here. He trained those humans day and night, turning them into the strong Vampire hunters they are today. About 10 years later, they are still trying to make us pay by killing innocents all over the Vampire world. They can hide their scents and block us from reading their mind. But I don't think they would have done all this without some help from a vampire. They are pretty smart too, I have to give them that. Nobody has been able to find their hideout because it changes every month. This is the first time we have captured one of them."

That made a lot more sense, "So the girl downstairs is a vampire hunter?"

"Yes, but wanna know the interesting part? She's the only daughter of Aryan." Damien smirked, as if he was proud of himself to have captured the enemy's weakness.

"She was leading a group of them, who burned down a small part of the city. My men got there as soon as they could. I guess she was left behind, her scent was hidden because of a spray that they invented. But it only lasts for about a day, so as the investigation was going on, they smelled her hiding in the piles of dead bodies."

The black eyes that once looked into mine, turned into a deadly, golden pool of emotions. His hands formed a fist, punching the wall next to him as his body faced away from me. A loud thunder boomed outside the castle and the sound made the wind pick up its speed. The balcony curtains moved furiously, somehow alerting me that a storm was coming. The King's clenched jaw made me notice the weather matched what he was feeling. Was it a coincidence or something else?

"I can't believe all of those people died under my watch. All those innocents were killed because of me. It was my job to protect them, and I failed. I fucked up again."

I understood why he was angry at himself, but that doesn't mean he should be the one to blame.

"It's not your fault." I placed a soothing hand on his back. His tense muscles surprisingly relaxed under my touch.

Shaking his head he said, "It is. Don't you get it? They killed those Vampires to provoke me. They want me to come out of the safe zone, into the battlefield. I am their number one target. Not to sound so full of myself, but I'm the pillar that keeps this place up and running. If I don't exist, everything will fall apart and that's what they want. They want my kind to suffer like they did. They don't want to take away their life, they call death an easy escape. Their plan is to take down one king at a t--"

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