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When I awoke, I saw I was having a needle aimed at my finger. I wonder why? I notice a scroll. I point to it. "Gahreee! Ptttb." Did they get it?

No, but since I pointed, they carried me over. I open it and read through it. Seems like a contract of some sort.

_______ will protect _______ for the rest of their days in exchange for _______ as food daily.

I guess it's okay, but let's change it. I don't know how I did it, but I imagine a glow changing it. Seems like my caretaker noticed. Yep, the words changed. I look at him again. Seems like he obeys me, so I put a chubby finger to mouth. "Tbbbbthh" As I say that my eyes ache with sleepiness.

His eyes widen, but he nods. I hold out my hand again to let him prick my finger. "Whaayayaaaah!" I yell. That hurts! I'm placed on some sort of circle, and then another man comes in. Seems to be of really high standing, since my caretaker bows. Both are pretty good looking, actually. Wait, nows not the time to notice that!

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