Chapter Three: The Project

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The next morning I woke up cheery, I ate a wonderful breakfast and had a bubble bath before putting on a different type of outfit from yesterday and curling my hair into a wavy layered look. I loved how straight my hair was but sometimes I envied girls with naturally curly hair. My hair looked like a professional had done it and my face once again reminded me that I didn't need make up. I never wore it unless it was an extra special occasion.

I felt as though I could skip all the way down to my car but as I slipped on my six inch heels, I put the thought behind me. The four minute drive to work put me in an even happier mood, especially when I found the traffic was a breeze. It was as if the day was going a little too well.

After parking my car in the personal parking spot I had been assigned to, I pulled my handbag halfway up my arm and locked my car. Dropping my keys, I bent over to pick them up and immediately regretted wearing a skirt as a whistle sounded behind me. It came from a dirty looking middle aged man who stood at the crowded bus stop. I stood straight and glared at him as I pulled my skirt down a little more.

I zipped my keys securely into a compartment inside my Louis Vuitton designer bag and strode into the tall glass building. I didn't mind the stares from the women that were currently occupying the lobby, I knew what they saw.

A newbie walking in with a Louis Vuitton designer handbag hanging off her and Louboutin platform heels supporting her small, petite figure which was well tailored into a seven hundred dollar ensemble. Envy. Thats what I saw in their eyes. Honestly, I wouldn't expect a newbie who only just got the job to have expensive things either, but I had been earning six figures at my previous job and I was good at managing my finances.

Growing up I'd always known I would have to earn a lot if I wanted to support myself, I was into expensive things and also loved shopping. So I worked hard in college, got my masters degree and diploma then scored myself a job in interior design, high end interior design.

I walked up to the reception and the nice lady behind the desk handed me my key card without me having to ask. "My name is Elana by the way." She said smiling.

"Thanks Elana." I smiled as I took my card and entered the open elevator. Before the elevator doors closed, a tall elegant body strode right into the elevator and the doors shut right behind him.

I didn't have to look up to know who it was, he smelled just like I thought he would and the women were already taking a step towards the elevator before the doors had a chance to close but none of them made it.

Dominic Vitiello smelled like man, pure man. He smelt like nature but expensive nature, he also smelt like spices and he smelt like perfume but I doubted it was actually perfume. I had a feeling that was just his scent. 

"Have we met before?" Dominic's expression remained still and he was not quite looking at me yet, but something in his voice told me I should probably reply instead of point out how rude he was being. But I never did as I wanted, my mind always spoke for itself. 

"Do you know how rude it is not to look someone in the eye when you're speaking to them?" I tried sounding a little less annoyed than I was and from what I heard, I failed. I knew he didn't work at Evenstone which meant he was a client and I knew this was no way to treat a client.

His chuckle was like music from the soul and it almost melted my heart, almost. But it definitely caused a rapid increase in my heart rate.

"I'll try again. Have we met before?" He looked down at me, looking a lot more interested than he had sounded before and relief shed from my shoulders. I was glad I hadn't angered him.

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