The Sketch

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Rachel's P.O.V

10 things I hate about you is such a good film. It was even better with her head on my chest and her arms round my waist and mine round hers. We just cuddled the whole way through and sometimes had a bite of pizza sometimes a drink then often a quick kiss. When the film finished I kissed her lips passionately and held her in my arms. After a while we pulled away and decided to put on Titanic.

We just talked through most of it and laughed together until the scene when jack paints rose naked and rose says "Paint me like one of your French girls jack." Tay just looked at me rolled out of my bed and onto my sofa bed on the other side of my room and got in a "models" position looked at me and said "paint me like one of your French girls Rach" I just burst into laughter n so did she. She was about to get up but I had an idea. I quickly said "Where do you think you're going I haven't painted you yet!" She looked at me suspiciously as I stood up to get a notepad. What Tay doesn't know is that I did Art for GCSE and I got an A*. She's going to be in for a little shock. I sat cross legged on the floor in front of her and observed. I drew her in 20 minuets and I thought she would get pissed but she was happy bc she loved watching me concentrate and I also think she mainly liked the fact that she got to watch me naked. When I finished I said "Done" and showed her the pad. Her draw dropped to the floor and said "Oh my fucking god baby, where did you learn to do this? it's amazing!" I smiled and explained that I did it for GCSE and all that. She just smiled and whispered "You are so amazing. I love you so much. you better get that sexy arse over here right now!" She had the biggest smile on her face. I laughed and stood up but as soon as I stood up her smile fell to the floor.

I didn't understand. I looked down at the floor then looked at the door. I didn't know where she had put my box of blades so I started looking around the room. She quickly realized what I was looking for and just at that moment I saw the box on my desk under a jumper I slowly walked over to my desk and took the box and made a run for the door. I had my hand on the handle but Tay jumped on the door which slammed it shut. She stood in front of the door and fell to her knees and wrapped her arms around my hips. She just held me and sobbed. I could feel her tears dripping down my legs and I couldn't take it anymore this was breaking my heart. I kneeled down to be opposite her and I wrapped my legs around her and buried her in my arms. I whispered softly into her ears "Breathe it's okay, speak to me, I'm sorry you have to go through this it's not fair on you, I will cover up my legs with make up and bandages and whatever you need to feel comfortable okay?".

She looked me in the eyes and croaked "No. Don't hide your body. I love everything about you and your body. You're perfect. That's why it hurts so much to see you do this to yourself. I can't do anything but love you and that's just what I'm going to do. I'm sorry. but things like what just happened may well happen again. please just know that. but it's not because I hate you. that's never going to be possible. baby...I miss your lips please can I love you?" Tears were still rolling from her eyes so I wiped them away and put my forehead against hers and gently said "I understand I'm so sorry I love you so much. And i think this will answer your question." I leaned in and kissed her. We decided to stop and just cuddle and talk for the rest of the night.

She started with "Now tell me about me moving in, where will I stay? where will I keep my stuff? just tell me what your thinking". I took a deep breath and replied "Well, I was thinking that we could move you in to the spare room and put all your stuff in there and you can sleep in that room if you want to, but I hope that most of the time you sleep well with me. Whether that's in here or in your room I don't mind." She smiled kissed my cheek and said "Okay darling, I like the sound of that. when my mum picks me up tomorrow we can invite her in and explain our plan and obviously leave out the sleeping together bit." She winked at me then laughed. I replied "Yeah okay let's do that and urm Tay...I kinda want to keep us a least for now. I'm sorry but I didn't even know I was a lesbian or bisexual or whatever I am until Saturday and I don't think I'm ready to tell people and also I feel like if people don't know about us we will be able to be happy and we can love each other with out people bugging us. If you want different then I guess we can tell people. I'll just put up with it." She pressed her lips onto mine and pulled me into her arms even closer. She pulled away and said "Baby that's okay I want exactly what you want, but sweetheart would you really do that for me? You are so selfless baby I love you so much." She kissed my lips so softly then buried her head in my neck and we just held each other whilst whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears until we fell asleep. I love Taylor. More than anything.

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