The Move pt2

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Taylor's P.O.V

Mum said yes oh my god. I'm so excited. I can live with Rach. I love her so much. I couldn't hold it in much longer so before I left I made out with her. I wanted to do so much more but mum honked her horn so I had to run off. I jumped in the car and said "Sorry mum, we were discussing arrangements." Mum just laughed and turned on the engine. "Why did you laugh?" Mum continued driving and said "You know you two aren't very good at hiding things." I went bright red. I didn't know what to say. I decided to try cover up by saying "What are you on about?" My mum just laughed again and then said "Well let's start with half your lipstick was on her lips when I first got there and you are both covered in hickeys, when you hugged each other before we went upstairs you kissed her neck, did you not hear what she said about you? She is clearly in love with you. And just then, you were making out opposite her big mirror I watched you the whole time." It went silent for a few minuets it was so tense. Mum pulled into our drive and I was about to get out but mum locked the doors. Mum leaned in and gave me a big hug. As we pulled away I said "Is that why you said the thing about us getting married?" Mum giggled and said "Partly but I did mean what I said. I love Rachel like my own and she is so polite and extremely beautiful. She clearly cares an awful lot about you and well I think you do too and well I'm your mother. I can tell when you love someone. So I know that you have loved her since the day you met her. I've never seen you happier than when you're with her. My little girl is in love!!"

I didn't really know how to react. My mum knew? And she was okay about it? Was she messing with me? I said confused "Why aren't you mad?" She hugged me again and then said "You're my daughter I'll love you no matter what. I won't tell your father because it's up to you when you want him to know. Now let's go pack up your stuff and get you back to your lover." We smiled and got out the car. Once I was in the house I ran upstairs and quickly packed up my stuff. After about two or three hours I had finished so we packed the car and set off for Rachel's house-My house.

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