2 Twitch

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i'd take you by the hand in a heartbeat if i knew where it was.

Josephine was just about to leave, slipping her jacket on and everything when the front doors of the gallery opened. Sighing mostly to herself, she struggled to fasten the first two buttons of the black outer garment. "We're closed," she mumbled, though it should have been loud enough for whoever was at the door to hear.

"I know," was the response, and her head lifted, eyes unfortunately landing on the guy she'd gotten into an argument with the day before. His friend was nowhere around and though it was less intimidating to have only one of them in front of her, Jo would have preferred neither of them.

She rolled her eyes as he inched his way into the room. "Please leave."

His feet stopped when he was no more than two meters away, hands in the pockets of his own jacket which was unzipped and open. She could see the faintest of lines inked to his chest through the thin white shirt he was wearing. "I wanted to, uh, apologize for-"

"Yeah, it's fine." She hadn't even thought about him until he walked in. Her eyes delicately fell on his and it was hard trying to pinpoint where exactly he was looking at . He kept them up but she felt that he was a little dazed as he squinted and wet his bottom lip with his tongue.

"I was a bit aggressive and you seemed really frustrated." He frowned a little, green eyes giving off a ghostly color. She blinked once, momentarily stunned by how beautifully rare the color of his irises were. If they weren't mint green colored, they were just a shade darker.

Jo walked right past him, stuffing her hands in her pockets. She was so close to the door when his voice pulled her back. It was soft and gentle and delicate and she just had to pause to hear it.

"Will you let me buy you a drink?"

She turned to look at him. He was standing out against the bright setting, eyes nearly closed but still struggling to open like he was bothered. It would've been odd not to recognize how good- looking he was, but Joey most certainly had something to do that night and she didn't like cancelling on things she formulated with friends. "That's very nice of you, but I have plans tonight."

"Tomorrow?" He whispered gently. He pressed his lips together and pushed his hair back, shifting on his feet slowly. She winced a little to herself, her knees growing weak at how softly he was looking at her. It was a bit uneasy.

"Can you stop staring at me?"

He smiled, teeth showing and dimples on display just under his cheek bones. His eyes shut for just a moment before he bowed his head. "Staring," he whispered under his breath. "Sorry for that."

"It's fine," she pushed her hair from her face, waiting for him to look up again. When it didn't happen, she bit the inside of her cheek, afraid he was just going to stare at the floor.

"The lights in here are pretty bright."

Jo nodded awkwardly to herself. "They preserve the paintings," she quietly informed, index finger raising absentmindedly to signal at the walls even though his neck was still craned downward. She couldn't even tell if his eyes were open anymore. "I need to lock up anyway," she let out.

Her black heels tapped against the white porcelain tiles of the floor as she continued walking. The sound was loud and when she turned to the boy behind her, he'd been a meter away from her. He took mellow steps forward, his right hand knuckling his left eye carefully. She rose her eyebrows as he extended his right hand a little, fingers static in mid air beside him.

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