8 Bloody

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how was i supposed to know?

Jo was sitting behind the front desk of the gallery after hours, the lights off and hands between her thighs for warmth. She was really cold but she thought of it as punishment. She was suppose to go home hours ago, though she never really found herself doing anything.

It had been four days since she'd last seen Harry and he hadn't even stopped by to collect his jacket or apartment keys. She wondered if he had to ask his landlord to let him in or just slept at his friend's house. She remembered the blonde guy that came with him into the gallery the day they met- Niall, she thought his name was.

She rubbed at her irritated eyes when the front door creaked open, rolling them because she'd forgotten to close it in the first place.

"Come out," the voice hissed aloud. She felt her heart beat quicken at the threatening tone, pushing her legs to her chest and keeping quiet. "Now."

Jo felt like crying and screaming at the same time, wondered if that would start a crowd and ultimately safety. She allowed her head to fall back at the fact that her coat was by the entrance and in full view.

"Really don't want to ask you again," the man boomed aloud. He didn't necessarily sound angry. Just upset. He sounded desperate.

She stumbled to her feet with a frown that shook with nervousness and fright. Almost everything melted away when she saw the blonde, mostly brunette hair and blue eyes of the man. Niall, her subconscious reminded.

"What happened?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," she partially lied, not completely understanding what he was asking about.

"He's not answering calls or messages."

"I don't know what to tell you."

He walked forward, taking large strides before stopping in front of her. She slumped back, wanting to disappear. He was intimidating. "Where is he?"

"I haven't spoken to him for nearly a week."

Niall looked down at her, eyes running over her face; most likely trying to find a lie of some sort; a hesitation. "What's his address?" He asked suddenly.

She made a face. "Shouldn't you already know that?"

"Thought I did. The place is completely wiped out. The whole floor of the building is a ghost zone and he hasn't answered anything."

Josephine felt herself panic, felt the increase of her breath and how wildly she was looking up at Harry's friend who seemed just as panicked. And he wasn't mad at her; she didn't even think he cared about her. He just wanted to make sure his friend was okay.

She asked for his number and Niall hurriedly read it to her, watching as she typed it into her own phone and sent him a message.

- Your friend is trying to reach you. -Jo

She bit down on her bottom lip, stalling time by sneaking a peak behind Niall's shoulder to look out at the dark night.

Harry: Why are you with with Niall?

- He's wondering where you are.

Harry: And you?

"Is that him texting you?"

She looked up at Niall and hesitantly nodded, "I'm trying to get a place out of him for you."

- This isn't about me. Where are you?

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