You And Me: Lori's Note.

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"Carl, I don't feel safe with that women here, especially with the baby here too." I confided in Carl and he sighed.

"If it was up to me, she wouldn't be here." Carl seemed aggravated after he spoke.

"Look." I handed him the bag containing baby things. "She brought that?" I nodded. Carl became beyond pissed off and stopped him from walking out the door.

"No, what are you doing? I asked blocking. "Ella move!" he demanded and shoved me to the side pretty hard.

"Ow." I whispered to myself. I didn't notice the blood trickle down from my palm. I chased down after him. "Why the hell do you have this?!" Carl yelled at the women in the cell as he threw the bag.

"Carl what's going on?!" Rick asked confused.. "She had a bag of baby stuff dad! Nothing else but her sword and baby stuff! " Carl continued to yell.

"Calm down, Carl." Rick told him.

Carl balled up his fists and hit the air. "I swear to god if you're here to take my sister or do anything at all I will murder you! " Carl yelled in her face through the bars. He stomped back up the steps. Normally I'd go after him, but he's way to pissed off. I'd rather let him cool off than be hit or swung at by Carl out of his anger.

" Why do you have this? " Rick calmly asked.. " Glenn and Maggie.. " she said softly..

"Maggie ?! Is she okay?" I asked worried. Rick was shocked. "What about them? Are they okay?" Rick continued.
"Is my sister okay?!" I asked her furiously.

"Merle, he took them back to Woodbury." She said. Daryl's head shot up "Merle? Merle Dixon?" Daryl asked and she nodded. "You know him?" she asked. "That's my shit head brother" he answered.

"What's Woodbury?" Rick continued with the questions. "It's a town of 75 that's run by this guy, calls himself The Governor. Pretty boy, charming, Jim Jones type. Real dick if you ask me. He tried to kill me. That's where Glenn and Maggie are. If you're up for getting them back, I'll go. I to want to go." she says.

" Okay.. Okay.. "Rick nodded agreeing .. " I'm Michonne by the way.. She added and Rick let her out.. I was still shocked.. Rick noticed the worried look on my face .. He walked over to me..

"We're going to bring her back. Don't you worry, alright?" Rick put his hand on my shoulder. I felt like I had to so I did. I looked in his eyes. Thank you god he was sincere. I simply just nodded my head. "I'm invited to this?" Daryl threw his crossbow over his shoulder.

" Oscar and you." Rick told Daryl. After a few minutes of Rick and Michonne discussing things. I went upstairs to see if Carl was okay.

He was sitting on his bed with his head down. He turned his head to me and quickly looked at my hand.

"I did that?"Carl asked in an extremely pissed off voice. " I snagged it on the gate, Carl." I pushed his bangs out of his eyes and he knew I was lying. "I try my best not to hurt you, Ella. I really do." he sat back down and put his face into his hands. "Carl, you didn't do anything wrong!" I told him and he began to hit his head repeatedly. "Carl! Stop! " I grabbed his wrists.

"What are you doing? Don't do that!" I screamed at him. There were tears at rims of his eyes. He pulled me in for a hug and I was tensed at first, but he wasn't doing anything wrong. He started to cry, cry hard.

" I miss her! I miss my mom so much!"

he yelled into my shoulder. "Carl. " I said softly. "She's not suffering anymore, okay? She is happy. Isn't that what you wanted ?" He pulled back.

" I didn't want her dead, El! I wanted her to be happy here! With me! With us! All of us.. " he continued.. " Come here " I grabbed his hand and led him to my cell..

He stood at the door as I walked to my bag and grabbed something.. " What is it? " he asked.. I pulled a letter out and handed it to him..

" she wanted me to give this to you, after she passed.. "

i told him as he sat on my bed and opened it.. I was about to walk out.. " Where you going ? " he asked.. "She wanted you to read it alone.. " I give him a faint but sincere smile, I grabbed the baby and held her in my arms as I went down stairs..

Carl sat back against the wall and began to read it.. "

" Dear Carl,

By the time you've read this I'll already have been gone.. But I need to say is that.. You're the most bravest, and smartest son a women could have ever had.. When I look at you and how much you've grown.. I think of your daddy.. You're so much like him.. You can and you will beat this world.. You're capable.. I couldn't express in words how much you mean to me and how much I love you..even when you don't think I'm there.. I'm there.. I've watched you grow up, and I'll continue..but from a further distance.. You keep everybody safe and give dad a kiss for me.. and Ella. You treat her how any man should treat your daughter.. I want you two to grow up and be happy, get married, have a family, be happy. Beat this world.. But not all at once.. Sweetie, I sure do miss you.. And you'll forever be in my i am in yours.. Remember I'm not that far away.. Forever in your heart, baby boy..

- Love Momma.

Carl set the note down and wiped a couple of tears away.. He looked up and notice the baby and I at the door..

A smile ..

A beautiful smile appeared on his face and mine..

He stood up from the bed, kissed the baby's forehead.. Then me..

" I love you so much, Ella.. And Judith.. " he said ..

" Judith? " I asked with a smile..

" My baby sister.. "

he added as he smiled at her.. " That's perfect.. " I kissed him.. Judith began to laugh and smile for a strange reason.. It was adorable.. He tickled her tummy and she grabbed for his hat and teethed on it.." What are you doing crazy girl? " he asked with the cutest voice.. She smiled and giggled more..

He looked back at me with those ocean blue eyes..

" I love you Ella Rae Greene.. "

he said with so much happiness in his voice..

" I love you Carl Rick Grimes "

I returned.. He placed his soft and amazing lips on mine

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