You And Me: Just A Kiss.

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A week had passed since Debra and Dakota had been living with us. I trust them, everybody seems to trust them. Except for Carl, but like I care what he thinks anymore.

Dakota and I were outside just talking and laughing. We actually became best friends, because we were always together now. "You know if your hand is bigger than your face, you're most likely going to see stars" I told him, smirking and he looked at me confused putting his hand to his face.

I grabbed it and smacked him right in the face "Ella what the hell!" he yelled and started to laugh and attempt to tickle me, As I was laughing from his tickling hands.

"You're right I see stars dammit." He continued to laugh, and so did I

I remember when Carl and I were In the tombs, And I did the same to him.

I heard a familiar voice.


"What are you two up to? " Carl asked and Dakota rubbed his face where I made him hit self, making a sad face. Causing us both to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Carl asked, beginning to get frustrated with us. "Nothing, What'd you need?" I asked rudely, but not really intentionally. But I didn't feel bad about it. "I just for bored up in the guard tower, there wasn't anything to do." Carl said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Your dad was going on a run, you should see if he needs your help." Dakota said with a smile, because he wasn't trying to be rude but genuine.

"I didn't ask you anything, did I?" Carl snapped at Dakota.

"What are you doing?" I asked standing in front of him, because he definitely was trying to step at Dakota. "Nothing, Ella. I'll just leave you and your little boyfriend alone like before." He walked off like a big brat. "What's his problem? I wasn't even trying to be rude? He's been like that since my mom and I got here." Dakota asked all upset. "How should I know? I barely even know him."

Carl's POV

It's really official. My heart is completely shattered.. She hates me.. How could she say that? I mean it's whatever.. No it's not.. I love that girl with every piece of my heart. But she hates me.. So it doesn't matter anymore.. Right?

Ella's POV

It was nighttime, and I was exhausted for no reason. I'd got into a new cell, not that I didn't like carol. I loved her, she was like my mom. I just wanted my own. I couldn't sleep, and I kept tossing and turning.

A person approached my door.
It was Dakota. "Hey." I said.. " You alright? I could hear that from my cell.. " he chuckled. " Just can't sleep.. " I said sitting up patting the bed for him to come over.. He sat down next to me as we sat up against the wall.. " Something bothering you? " he asked.. " You can tell? " I said looking at him..he nodded. " I've just been through a lot.. But I'd rather not give you an ear full.. " I said.. " but I'm a good listener.. " he smiled..

" This whole apocalypse thing is starting to get the best of me, you know?.. I watched my mom and sister die in front of me.. I only have my dad now.. I mean Rick and everybody are my family and all.. But I just feel so alone.. Like I should've died along time ago.. and Carl.. We've been through so much together.. and it's all gone.. " I said tearing up..

" I didn't believe you when you said you barely knew him." Dakota smiled at me..

" You're not alone.. Even when you feel like the world is collapsing down on you.. You're strong enough to hold it up.. " he said making me smile.. " You're completely right. " I said making him smile.. he put his hand under my chin and moved in..

I hesitated at first..

But let it happen.

We kissed..

But I didn't get sparks..

At all..

Not like when I kiss Carl..

We withdrew and he smiled as did I.. " I'll see you in the morning.. " he said smiling at me.. " See you.. " I smiled back. He left and I laid back down.. I fell asleep for a couple of hours only to be awaken by a really horrible dream..

I sprinted downstairs for some I turned around I was startled by the one and only Carl.. " Oh my gosh! You scared me.. " I muttered.. " Sorry.. " he said.. " Why are you down here? " I asked.. " Couldn't sleep.. " he said.. I just nodded and turned to leave.. but he stopped me.. " what? " I asked looking at his hand on my wrist. " Nothing.. Just forget it.. " he said.. " Okay ? " I said rudely.. " You feel good about what you're doing? " he said making me turn around instantly.. " Excuse me?" I said setting my water down.. " With David " he said.. " His name is Dakota , and nothing is going on between us! He's just my friend.. " I started to get louder. " Ohh really?! So you kiss your friends on a regular basis? " he replied, making a blank stare come across my face,

I grabbed my water and threw it in his face.. I stormed off back into my cell..

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