Chapter 14.1: A Royal Ride

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"Is she really a governess?" I asked Anne, riding next to her while Miss Claridge rode behind. We drew stares as we crossed Highcastle, three women riding astride through the city. I didn't much care, especially since the alternative was a wailing serenade in the queen's salon.

"Among other things," the princess replied as we rode through Highcastle's North Gate, "In this case, she's our chaperone. Now come along, we're already running late as it is,"

Once we'd crossed the drawbridge, she kicked her horse into a gallop, Miss Claridge passing me as hers did the same. I urged my own mare into a gallop and followed the princess as she thundered across the open field. The wind tore my hair from the bun Rosanna had scraped it into that morning and I savored the feel of it whipping around my face.

The princess disappeared into the trees, slowing her pace as she followed a narrow deer track partially hidden behind a massive conifer. I came up behind Miss Claridge, leaning out of my saddle to see where we were going. I saw nothing before us but forest, so I settled back in my seat and relaxed, enjoying the birdsong and sunlight dappling the forest floor around us.

"It's about time!"

The voice carried through the woods just as the trees started to thin out, the princess slowing her horse even more as we emerged into a clearing. I nearly fell out of the saddle when I set eyes on the trio waiting for us.

"Calm down Thomas," Anne sighed, halting her horse in front of her brother's, "You should have seen the torture Mother had planned for us. I only lasted through one song before we made our escape,"

"One song? How bad could it have been?" Prince Andrew asked, approaching on his horse with James Amberly behind him, "Good morning, Libby,"

"Good morning your Hi-" I started, but he cocked an eyebrow.

"...Andrew" I finished, while Prince Thomas ran an interested eye over me.

"Let's get on then, if we're in such a big rush," the princess said, steering her horse between me and the men. Her grey mare trotted off through the clearing to another deer track, Miss Claridge close on her heels.

"How many words did old Bessie utter this morning?" Prince Thomas asked me, sidling his horse up next to mine, "She's never that verbose, especially with newcomers,"

"Bessie?" I asked, as Andrew's horse stamped the ground, dancing in front of my mare.

"Anne's chaperone. Or body guard more like. She's used to disappearing on her own, so our parents insisted she have someone accompany her whenever she leaves the palace,"

"She hasn't said a word," I replied thoughtfully, realizing that the chaperone and I hadn't exchanged a single one.

"We'd best get on if we want to get there for luncheon," James called from across the clearing, where he was hovering near the deer track.

"Race?" Thomas asked, his glittering eyes finding his brother's. The two of them exchanged a smirk and Andrew wheeled his horse around.

"Get ready Libby, for Thomas is a dreadfully sore loser and-" Andrew started, only for Thomas to take off towards James before he could finish his sentence. Andrew swore with a laugh, spurring his horse on. I followed, the shock of somehow being invited to accompany the royal siblings on a ride finally washing over me.

The track through the forest was short this time, emerging into a rolling green field dotted with sheep. Thomas was thundering across it, his horse sailing across the farm fence with ease. He'd overtaken James, who was also now galloping. Anne and Miss Claridge appeared as they crested a hill in the distance, moving so quickly they must have been galloping as well.

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