Chapter 20: Libby's Decision

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As a reward for my seemingly excellent behaviour, excesses of champagne aside, Ella decreed that I would be permitted to attend the cotillion that evening. All the nobles in high ranking military positions would be in attendance in their full dress uniforms to commemorate the victory of some battle or another. Frankly I didn't much care to attend, especially since I had yet to sit down and properly digest the day's events. Thoughts of the magnificent ball gown that Audra had hidden away in her workshop for the masquerade next week kept popping to the forefront of my mind, only for me to squelch them with James' words from the painting gallery.

"I still can't believe Harriet was the first to catch a husband," Emily was saying to Ella as we made our descent towards the entrance hall.

"I suppose most of the others are still holding out hope for the prince," Rosanna said sagely. I remained silent, wishing that our conversation didn't have to revolve around the prince tonight. Every time I heard his name I couldn't help but feel massively conflicted as I thought of the blue gown he'd ordered for me, only for my cruel brain to replay the image of Ashley grinning up at him in the garden.

"I think it wiser to get to know a man before getting engaged," Ella said haughtily, Emily and Rosanna vehemently agreeing with her while I fought from rolling my eyes. I had no patience left for my cousin's airs.

Ella had insisted upon not one, but three wardrobe changes before we made our descent into the ballroom, so we arrived later than all the other debutantes. The ballroom was filled with uniformed and decorated men, the deep blue of the royal cavalry interspersed with the bright whites of the navy and the shining black of the army. Medals glinted and epaulets shone as the men socialized and danced. I realized as I took stock of the room that my attendance was probably solely necessary because there were so many men and relatively few other noblewomen in attendance, besides the debutantes and the wives of the older officers.

"Good evening, Ella," James Amberly said, approaching us with a smile. Emily and Rosanna dropped curtseys as James reached for Ella's gloved hand, bringing it to his lips. I sank into my own reverence, studiously ignoring Lord Amberly's gaze. Hearing his voice again was yet another reminder of the words that had haunted me since that day in the gallery. Thankfully, he invited Ella to dance, leaving the three of us ladies-in-waiting alone. Deciding that I'd had about enough of Emily and Rosanna's titters about how advantageous a match James was for Ella, I stalked away from them in pursuit of food.

Heedless of Rosanna's hissed directive to come back, I wove through the crowd towards the banquet tables. I felt utterly exhausted after the day's events and I intended to hide in a corner with a massive plate of food while I counted down the seconds until I could crawl into bed. Unfortunately, the ballroom was packed and lively that night, laughter and chatter filling the air through the music. It had taken me nearly twice as long as usual to cross the room towards the banquet tables, my stomach grumbling in anticipation. I had very nearly made it when someone cleared their throat, bowing before me.

"Good evening, Elizabeth," Oliver Pendleton was saying, grinning down at me while I stared over his shoulder longingly at the buffet table loaded with steaming trays of food.

"Good evening, Oliver," I said, forcing my face into whatever approximation of a smile I could manage.

"I was hoping to ask you for a dance?" he said, offering me his arm. I blinked at it, my smile still frozen in place.

"Yes of course," I managed, through gritted teeth. He was grinning like a fool as he led me to the dance floor, launching into a long-winded monologue about Martin's engagement and how he would now be free to take his brother's place as a participant in the Season.

All I could hear was droning as I danced, counting down the seconds until I could disentangle myself from the overeager Oliver and go eat something to ease my tense nerves. Oliver was blissfully unaware of my inner turmoil, my smile still in place as a I hummed and nodded, mustering what enthusiasm I could to congratulate him for his brother's engagement and for having earned Martin's now vacant spot in the Season.

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