Chapter Seventeen.

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Morgan stood near the small table, watching the doctors pull the several IVs and tubs out of her daughter. Iris was being released today and while she was glad her daughter was going to pull through she wasn't excited about moving into the clubhouse.

"Nurse, I believe this little girl needs a sticker." The doctor said.

"Two," Iris said.

"Two," the doctor agreed.

The doctor continued to check her vital signs and then exited the room, the nurse handing the child two stickers for her troubles and then leaving as well.


"hmm?" Morgan asked as she began packing.

"Are we going home?"

"No, we're going to go say at the club for a little while."


"It's safer there."

"Cause Mr. Wolf and Zeke are there?"


Iris seemed to accept that as an answer, even if Zeke and Wolf were two men she should be afraid of. Morgan turned and continued to pack their things. Ty was outside by the door and when they were ready would phone Wolf to come pick them up. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't putting off that phone call.

When it couldn't be helped anymore she opened the door and Ty turned to smile at her. He was such a nice guy, sweet, caring, good looking. He could settle down with anyone he wanted but instead was loyal to Becky, who had no idea how he felt.

"We're ready," Morgan said.

"I'll call Wolf."

She offered him a small smile and closed the door, going back inside. Iris was sitting on her bed, struggling to pull on her tiny pink jacket. Morgan rushed to help her, afraid she'd injure herself.

"Be careful of your stitches," Morgan scolded.

"I'm fine mommy."

"Just be gentle for a while, okay?"

"Okay. Won't Aunt Lacy be happy to see me?" Iris beamed.

"I'm sure she will," Morgan said gently, hoping it was true.

"And Mr. Wolf."

"Yeah, him too."

Iris smiled happily and Morgan forced a smile back at her. She had almost lost her daughter because of the life Wolf offered them.

When Wolf finally arrived Morgan had their things packed and Iris was anxious to go. He walked in the door and smiled at the little girl, lighting up. Almost instantly Morgan picked up on the difference immediately. He didn't carry the cold, standoff attitude she was used too.

"You ready to get out of here?" He asked Iris.


"Alright, let's go."

He motioned to the door and Iris skipped ahead, Morgan hesitated and he turned towards her.

"Can I get your bags?" He offered.

"You're different."

"Maybe....a little."

"What changed?"

"You know what changed, is it a good different?"

"I haven't decided yet."

"I can wait," He said with a shrug.

Lone Wolf *The Animals MC book one*Where stories live. Discover now