Chapter 7 - Jacova

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Jacova sat stiffly beside Admiral Zivali in the closeness of the launch, ten Marines from the Spar's compliment arrayed in rigid awareness around them. Jacova could smell their sweat. They sped toward Admiral Seonu Gi's flagship, the massive dreadnought Harrier.

They would have taken the shuttle, not the launch, with a group such as this, but the shuttle was gone--and the less Jacova did to bring attention to that fact, the better.

Admiral Seonu met them on the Harrier's ample hangar deck, the gold pins and silver piping shining on their white dress uniform. Jacova and Zivali were still in their daily black and silver.

In neat rows along one wall, a full load of strike fighter drones blinked yellow standby--a casual display of the firepower Zivali did not currently possess. The Fifth Fleet consisted of five dreadnoughts, three fast-attack dreadnoughts, twelve heavy cruisers, twenty-nine light cruisers--now minus the Teven Spar--and the full complement of destroyer and corvette escorts, along with support ships. Zivali had one light cruiser.

Seonu stood at relaxed attention as Zivali was piped aboard with all the honors due a visiting admiral. Would Seonu would try and arrest Zivali for unlawful declaration of martial law? Zivali had been within rights, but Seonu could only be executed if they didn't come out the victor.

"Permission to come aboard," Zivali said formally.

Seonu nodded. "Permission granted. Welcome aboard, Admiral Zivali." They abruptly turned to lead the group through the ship.

Zivali posted four of her Marines at the launch, and though Jacova had chafed at the need to bring them, having only six now made her feel exposed. It didn't matter if she agreed with Zivali's actions or not. The Harrier carried two full companies of Marines, and if Seonu did decide to move against Zivali, Jacova would be caught in the crossfire.

She didn't know what Zivali was thinking, coming to the Fifth Fleet without so much as a destroyer squadron to back her up. From what she knew of Seonu, they were conservative in nature, more prone to follow orders than to think outside them, but how would that translate here? Zivali had drawn her lines. Was she so delusional she thought everyone would just fall into step with her?

As they strode through wide corridors, Jacova considered pulling Seonu aside and surrendering her ship back to his command--but that would sign her death sentence. Mutiny was mutiny, no matter if the chain of command was foggier than usual. As a conservative, Seonu wouldn't overlook it.

Seonu led them into a large conference room and waved Zivali to the head of a long mahogany table. They took a seat beside her, lips pressed into a thin line, and swiveled their chair as if to track Zivali's every move.

Zivali dismissed her Marines to wait in the corridor and pointed Jacova to her other side.

Jacova sat, folding her hands on her lap to keep from tapping on the underside of the table, or the arm of her chair. Why was she here? Zivali didn't trust her. Or maybe she did. When Jacova had let Talina go, maybe Zivali saw that as an act of loyalty to her family. God, but it hadn't been for her.

"Admiral Seonu," Zivali said. "This is Captain Jacova Roche of the Teven Spar."

"And what of Captain Jonas Krayle?" Seonu asked.

"An unfortunate accident," Zivali said. And then edged a smile. "Thank you for having me on your ship, Gi. I am now attaching your fleet to my own--you will remain in command of the Fifth Fleet, under my command. Are your orders received and understood?"

Seonu stared, their lined face blotching red. They cut a sharp hand across the air, and the mask of formality slipped. "No, Edora, I don't understand. My fleet intelligence officers have relieved three of my captains and twenty-four junior officers on your authority--as Caelian sympathizers! I know some of these officers personally, and they are not--I refuse to believe the Resistance has penetrated so far into our military that these measures are needed."

[LEGACY VERSION] The Enemy of Time (Book 2 - The Kaireyeh Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now