Chapter 17: The Poker Game

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"Mom! I'll be fine!" I complain.

"But you were shot, honey. I just don't want you to be rushing into things." She says worriedly. 

"I'll be fine! My friends will make sure I don't exert myself too much, and I'll call."

"Every day?" Scott asks.

"No." I say, grabbing my bag out of the car. He gives me a look and I sigh. "Almost every day." 

"Uch, fine. I love you!" My mom says, giving me a kiss on the forehead. I give Scott a big hug before racing onto the train. 

Off to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. 


"Hey!!" I scream hugging Bobby. "How are the legs?" I ask. After Lucifer was set free, Bobby stabbed himself while he was possessed. The doctors say that he'll never be able to walk again.

"The legs are stupid, that's what they are." Bobby grumbles taking a sip from his beer. "The boys are off on a case. Why don't you tell me what you've been up to?"

"Nothing much..." I say, sitting on the couch. I wince when I make contact with couch.

Bobby raises an eyebrow at me. "Nothing? Really?"

"Nothing important." I shift on the couch, but the pain doesn't subside. 

Bobby rolls over to me and glares. "You wouldn't be lying to me, now would you now?" I shake my head, hiding my face. He grabs the hem of my shirt and before I could do anything, he pulls it up to see the bandage. "What happened?"

"For the record, you have amazing deduction skills." I say, sarcastically.

"Damn it Lizzie! What in the hell happened?" Bobby yells.

"Well, a few days ago, there was a hostage crisis." I start. I need to be very careful with what I say. "Long story short, the guy with the gun was a sociopath and shot me. Gerard Argent killed him, but Gerard went AWAL and I had to deal with him." I look down at the wound and frown. "And I need to change the bandage." I stand up and get a bandage out of the bag.

"You shouldn't be hunting now. You need to heal. Call Cas or---"

"Calling Cas would mean that the wound would be totally gone. That can't happen." I say, removing the bandage.

"Lizzie, you're hurt. Cas can help."

"One, I'm stronger than that. I only call in favors when I really need them, not when I want one." I say, wincing as I replace the bandage. Bobby looks uncomfortably at the wound. "Two, what do you think will happen if I go back home, complete fine? The Argent's will defiantly take notice and they won't trust me anymore." I say, shrugging. 

I look over at Bobby as the phone starts to ring. "What do you want idjit?" Bobby asks into the phone."...No, there is lore on it. Goes back centuries. Traveling card player pops into town. You beat him, you get your best years back. 'Course, most people lose... Supposedly this player's a hell of a card shark. Got a lot of years in the bank. You find the bar he's working in yet?... Well why are you still talking to me?" He hangs up the phone ruffly and looks at his keys. 

"Sam and Dean?" I ask. He nods. "Wanna go help them out?"

"Hell yeah." I grab his keys and we head out to his car. 

We head to a town about two hours away. I drop him off at a bar and head to the motel. I grab an extra key to the Winchesters' room, after bribing/seducing the man at the counter. I go to their room and wait for the boys, whether Sam and Dean come back first, or they come with Bobby. 

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