Chapter 42: Fighting Insane Werewolves

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"Lydia, can you at least tell me where we are going?" I ask, looking over at her. 

"I need to check on something." She states. 

"Why are we going to Malia Tate's house?" I pick up the piece of paper containing the girl's name and address.

"Oh, give me..." She grabs the paper playfully and turns back to the road. "No need to worry about it." 

"I'm a little worried we're lost." I admit, watching her make another right turn. 

"Why do you think that?" She sighs, exasperatedly.

"You just made your fourth right turn. Four rights make a circle, Lyd." I tell her. 

"I did not." She sounds offended. "Did I?" She asks herself. She sighs, "It's a brand new car. The GPS was fine before."

"Maybe the GPS works better if it was on." I say, looking at the blank screen. 

"What?" She looks down slowly and starts to frantically press the radio button, switching screens. 

"Lydia?" I ask cautiously. "Are you ok?"

"I need to stop. I need to pull over right now." She makes a sharp right, throwing me into the door. 

"Lydia!" I exclaim as her car stops in the middle of amenity parking lot. I see a still body in the middle of the lot and scream, "Lydia, stop!" 

The car jerks to a stop and both of us jump out of the car. We start running towards the body and I put my hand out, stopping her. 

"Is that-?" She breathes.

"Stiles!" I shriek, running over and checking for a pulse. "Call Scott," I look towards her. "Now."


"The couch. Put him on the couch." I direct as Scott and Aiden sit him down. Mom and Deaton walk in. 

"This is crazy." Mom tells me, shaking. "He needs to be in the hospital."

"Remember the last time he went to the hospital?" I arch an eyebrow. 

"Doesn't look like he's bleeding." Deaton observes, looking at Stiles' wound. "Think he might even be healing."

"Healing like we heal?" Aiden asks, moving closer to me. 

"That's good, right?" Scott asks. 

"For him, yes. Us? I'm not so sure." Deaton responds solemnly. 

"If we're not killing him, why aren't we tying him down with really big chains?" Aiden walks over to him, eyeing Stiles. I scowl and scoff at his question. 

"I might have something more affective." Deaton pats his briefcase, opening it up. He brings out a vial of liquid and Scott and Aiden hold Stiles down, opening his mouth. Scared, Lydia grabs my hand. 

The second the liquid goes down his throat, Stiles' eyes open and he grabs Aiden's neck. Aiden retaliates as I yelp, trying to claw Aiden out of the nogitsune's grip. 

Suddenly, the nogitsune removes his hand, shaking. He looks almost surprised as the liquid takes affect. "Kanima venom." He states, leaning into the couch. "Nice touch."

Aiden growls, advancing. "You know how they say that twins get a feeling when the other one's in pain?" The nogitsune asks. "You didn't lose that talent too, did you? Oh, I hope not. You're gonna need it." I look at Aiden, grabbing his hand for support. "Ok, I'll give a little hint. Ethan's at the school."

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