Double or Nothing...

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" tick.. tock... tick.. tock.. i think im going to choose.. "
" okay... wait... what about another challenge... and if i win... they both live... if i lose... they both die..? "
" now we're talking... so ur willing to risk both lives over a challenge u dont even know yet..? "
" well... its better than one of them dying now... "
" okay okay okay.... i didnt expect that... well... its time to raise the challenge.... when u wake up tomorrow... u will understand everything... now go have a one last fine sleep... cause tomorrow.. hell starts... "
wtf?.. what have i just done... i have just risked 2 lives instead of it being one... and winning is my only chance... failure means they both die... what am i even supposed to do now...? shall i tell nancy and sara to watch out...? or shall i stay silent...? maybe ill decide that after i know the challenge... i called dr. sara who answered saying that she was taking a shower and couldnt answer... and i called nancy and told her i had to talk with her... and i we met... it was around 9 pm... and we had a long boring chit chat until it was 11 pm... but there were 3 important sentences in this chat
" nancy... i want u to take care of urself... specially these days... "
" thomas whats wrong...? "
" can u please just do it...? "
" okay... "
and so i walked her home... and took a cab... and went home to arrive in bed at 12... and i just couldnt sleep... what could this challenge be... what am i gonna do...? what will happen if i fail...? could i really be the reason that they die...? or that they live...? nothing stopped these questions... but me falling asleep
woke up... really dizzy... and really sleepy... checked my phone to find it was only 12:30... so i just put the phone and gt back to sleeping... but then i realized something... i got the phone again... and checked the time.. it was 12: 33 pm!!
how have i been sleeping all this time... wait a second... where the fuck am i? a room... as big as a prison cell... no doors... a window in the ceiling... where i see the sky... and a bed... which i was sleeping on... and before i even got to think... a paper got thrown from that window... and guess who was standing there... no-one... which was obvious...  i opened the paper and started reading...
" well... im not sure how ur gonna make it... but... u asked for it.. and here it is... get out in one hour... and they both live... or stay here... and after one hour... they die... this is gonna be amazing "
im not gonna explain how fucked up of a situation it is... cause i dont have the time to... and there is no sign of any network available near me... which means its me and the room... either leave and they live.. or stay and they die... i need to think... but think of what... this room is literally empty... nothing but a bed... okay... i got up and started wandering around... and found nothing... think think think!! i started breaking up the bed apart and searching every part of it... still nothing... i started tearing up the mattress and looking inside it... until i found my first step to getting out of this nightmare... well... it looked like a key... but a weird one... a round one more than its pointy... but that wasnt really the vital issue here... it was " then what? "... what do u do with a key when u have nothing to open?... a room with no doors... and a key doesnt open walls... but what if it does open walls? but how? and how much time do i have left? omg is this really the time for this fuckin battery to die?! how many minutes have passed... and how many do i have left? could the hour already be over? well... i dont have time to believe that... fuckin think thomas... whats my way out? and i kept asking more and more unanswerable questions while scratching the key to the wall... and as i wandered... i started feeling something weird about one of the walls... and i started scratching and rubbing the key against it more and more until it... its as if its a door now... and it opened for me to find a screen with the numbers 1-2-3 on it and the words
" choose.... one number opens the door....  and the other two means a happy long life here..." okay... i dont have time to waste thinking of the number... and its still my only chance to get out... okay... lets rephrase... 1 number opens... other 2 dont... 1 opens 2 doesnt... then 3 opens? or is all this bullshit... okay... ill just go with it... and ill take my chances... i pressed 3... and nothing changed during the following 30 seconds.... and at the same time i started to believe i lost... and im stuck here... and turned around to face my destiny... i found the opposite wall open... and i can simply say that every single drop of adrenaline was pumped into me while i was racing through roads and streets finding my way to harvard... and asking people while running... and after a non-stop run of about 10 minutes while my muscles where begging me to stop... i found myself by the gates of the university... i ran past the gates heading to sara's office... when suddenly something stopped me... my phone which had died when i was locked just received a message... i didn't think how as much as i wanted to know whats inside... and i regret knowing... " rest in peace thomas "... omg! omfg!! am i too late? all this was for nothing?! all these questions were asked while i was back to running towards her office... until i reached it while my heart was about to stop beating... and i started breathing all the oxygen in the place... and calming down... until i got into her office... where my heart got back to running faster... " Hello... 911?... this is Thomas calling from Harvard law school....

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