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You know the feeling when your sitting in an exam room, and the whole exam is only one question, and after answering the full question just in time, you realize that all u have been doing is wrong. Do you know how that feels? The more a person understands, the more he realizes that he doesn't understand anything; and i have just realized that I don't understand anything, cause I understood more...
" The paper? the paper! how couldn't I have fuckin thought of that! hey officer, I need to get back to Dr. sara's house now, I found the real killer! "
" But sir you have just confessed that you are the killer. "
" I was just trying to protect her from confessing and doing something stupid "
" But sir, that wasn't actually why... "
" There is no time for questions!! I need to get back to the house, and now! come with me officer, if it will make you feel any better. "
I ran out the investigation room and the officer came running after me while telling his men to leave me alone. I kept running towards the house hoping to find I'm a liar, and that what I believe in is wrong. It could all be an imagination, and I hope it is; cause the truth, I'm not gonna be able to take it. I reached the house door and waited by it for a couple of minutes to take my breath and wait for the officer to reach me. As a start, the door that I left open was closed; but I didn't really have time to think about that. I broke through and started looking around, but the paper she left me, it was.. it was gone. I ran upstairs, picked up the keys from the floor and opened the door. Everything was just as i left it. I started realizing that maybe after all I'm wrong, maybe everything is just how it was and maybe the paper was just picked up by any officer as evidence; and at this time I started walking outside the room and downstairs.
" Officer I'm sorry, I didn't find what I came to find "
" Okay, can we get back to the police station now so u can sign your confession papers? "
" of course. " " Wait a second. Officer I'm sorry but I'm just going to check on one last thing. "
I ran upstairs, ran through the room and went to the dead wrapped body and flipped it over. The face was badly hurt that I couldn't tell who it was, just as Nancy told me, but wait a second, this lady isn't even blonde. what the fuck?! how can this be fuckin right?!! I left the room running downstairs.
" Officer something is wrong, Nancy and I are innocent. She came to confess that she killed Dr. Sara while the body upstairs isn't Dr. Sara. "
" Sir, Nancy Ronalds didn't come to the station to confess she killed Sara; she came to confess that you have killed an innocent girl named...
" Rachel. Thats right, so all this time, all these games, it was all for that, to get me to be the killer of what they did. I entered the kitchen to make coffee for a few minutes, she couldn't have written all this message, that clean while she was shivering, and not that fast. Everything was already planned right. There was no pen or paper around even! not to mention how she appeared at the police station! Why would she clean all the blood and everything on her? and I just went in there and confessed for everything she said, without even asking what she said!! I believed her when she told me not to look at the body! cause I loved her!! "
and this the time where I fell on the ground into hysterical laughter; the 2 virgins have fucked me, they have finally lost they're virginity over me. At this time I was being handcuffed and taken back to the station where I didn't need to sign the papers cause everything was already on tape. I'll skip the part where I was taken to court and my parents got me the best lawyers in the world who couldn't really change anything, I confessed! with my whole will and without any force from anyone, and they got me on tape, and everything was just perfect for the judge to kill me, and so he did. A couple of months later I got sentenced for death for brutally killing Rachel, and for my death wish, I asked for a pen and a paper to leave a note. The night before I died, I asked to meet with Sara and Nancy. I sat there for like an hour looking at them and not knowing what to say; and right before they were about to leave, I found something to say.
" What about the coin? how did you know I'd get heads? "
and this is where Sara answered " I believe I'm a lucky lady Tommy, bye"
" But why me, and why Rachel? "
" why Rachel? well, somethings are better left unknown Tommy. Why you? well, cause you develop feelings fast, and we needed to get rid of the body fast, and don't ask how I know about your feelings, again, somethings better remain unknown, take care tommy " 
" If you wanted to get rid of the body, why not from the beginning? you had me there with her and my footprints all over the place and u would have gotten rid of her and me faster. "
and this time Nancy volunteered to answer " U know what? maybe your right, but where would have been the fun in that? "
The time came, and I was pulled with my great red suit, and there were only 4 people there to watch; my dad, my mom, and the 2 virgins. I stood there while the rope was getting put around my neck, and I just stood there smiling looking at Nancy and sara while they smiled back with no look of regret, not even a glimpse.
" Sir, your son before he died, he left a note, and here it is. "
" A man can stand taking a bullet in his heart and surviving it, he can stand any and every severe pain, and get back stronger. There is only one thing a man can't fight against and win. " a lady that he loves " when a man loves a lady, she owns him, and I fought against 2, and until the last minute, I was actually fighting for them, you know what, after all this, after they killed me; I still love her.
Never get in a game with a lady u love, she will always win, and you will always die. "
2 years later...
him: hello
her: hello Mark
him: who is this?
her: how cant u recognize my voice?
him: I'm sorry But I don't, so who are you before I hang up?!
her: well, if u really are interested to know, what about a visit to harvard in the middle of the night?
him: who is this?? hello? hello? are u still here???!!!!

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