Monster Inc.

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    Today is day four. Yesterday you and your best friend decided to skip a day that Dead End Disney. When you and your best friend enter Dead End Disney, a new attraction has come. Monsters Inc. You don't know what made you, but you felt the urge to go on the ride.
      "Let's go." You say, dragging your best friend's sleeve, pulling them closer to the ride. "What? I thought we weren't doing anymore rides!"
"But we are so shut up and come on!" You say very persistently.  You where positive that you wanted to go on the ride. Besides, they feed on laughter, hopefully it's the same for this ride.
      You stand in the building. A employee dressed as Boo gives you a speech. "Welcome all! We are going back in the past when energy is fueled by screams!"
"Oh dear." Was said by multiple people. She led us through a door. A door with pink flowers, Boo's room. "This is my room, this is where I first met Kitty and Mike." She lead us to mini carts. They looked like they where made out of doors. An rather unusual use of material.
The ride started. It didn't seem like a roller coaster and you hoped so dearly that it wouldn't end out to be a roller coaster. "Get to work Mike Wazowski! I'm watching you." That belonged to a voice no other than Roz. "Yeah, yeah." Mike said as he trotted over to Sully. Mike seemed off. He seemed very grouchy and he had great muscles and not little limply arms.
Sully looked more fearful than ever. It gave you shivers going down your spine just looking at him. "What pathetic little twerp do I have to scare now?" Sully said as he grabbed some files from Mike's hand. "New door," Mike started, "Oliver Sanders. Age, 6 fear is monkeys."
"Monkeys?" Sully asked hardly believing the word that came out of Mike's mouth. "Pff, I can sound like a monkey."
       The cart traveled through a door that was baby blue and had stars. His room was space themed and he had posters of space lacing his walls. He was wearing a onesie and was sleeping peacefully. Sully came to the foot of the bed and tried to make a monkey voice. His deep vocals couldn't pronounce a good enough sound and the kid woke up. He didn't scream or cry, he just sat there. His animatronic eyes just staring at Sully...and then you.
      Sully left the room too frustrated to continue. He checked the board for producing the best screams. He wasn't in first. He was in second. He was in third. He did not produce a single once of scream.
      Sully was furious and he started to come after the cart. He charged and charges until the cart returned where Boo was. The ride was over. Everyone got off, a bit shaken because of Sully. You looked into the left where Sully was supposed to go back in place, but instead he looked at you, dead in the eyes. You and your best friend booked it out of there. You where not disappointed with the excitement though.

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