Chapter 14: Drugged

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"I'm exhausted." A boy said, sliding into the chair by the table, and stretching his legs out.

After trying to ease-drop on Chip, I had told Mr. Hill that guests were starting to show up and he just waved me out with his hands and I went back down stairs, meeting eyes with Mr. James, and I just lifted up my chin, and I saw him give me one nasty smile before I had managed to slip into kitchen. That was 20 minutes ago, now, there was at least 10 guests in the house, and a boy who I and Heath looked at like he was some alien. He peeked his right eye open to look at us both. I couldn't figure out if he was a Master or a servant, he looked like he could fit in both.

"Atticus, why are these two looking at me like I'm a alien from Mars?" He said sitting up, looking at Heath and I right back. Atticus just chuckled as he helped Aby with getting the food ready.

"Joseph, meet Heath and Skyler. Skyler and Heath, meet Joseph." Attiucs said walking over to us, rubbing a glass cup with a white towel.

Joseph waved his hand at us both. I then noticed his long brown hair that was pulled into a pony tail in the back, he kinda looked cute with longer hair. I mentally slapped myself. I didn't even now this boy and I was already falling for him. It had to be those blue eyes. They looked at me like they wanted to pierce my soul. I sank back into the chair more, trying my best to avoid his eyes. That made him laugh.

"Skyler? That's cute." He said leaning forward and resting his elbows on the table, looking right at me, I blushed, and hard.

"You don't need to blush. I'm just being a gentlemen." He then placed his hand on the left side of his mouth so Atticus couldn't see what he was saying.

"You're a cutie." A whispered and I felt my cheeks light up.

For the next few hours, I helped Aby, even though she told me to go set down and relax, I told her a big flat no and she glared at me but brushed it off. it had been two hours now and two other servants had entered into the kitchen. I had my back turned when they both entered, and I hadn't even heard them talk due to me being too busy reaching to get down a glass bowl. And man, I never felt so short before. I was standing on a chair, on my toes, and I could barely see the inside. Just when I thought I had the bowl in my hands, I felt the chair move a little and I quickly reached as far as I could to reach the bowl but I failed, and ended up falling. I thought I was going to land on the ground but instead, I landed in someone's arms. When I looked up to meet the person's eyes, I thought I saw a angle. He smiled at me as he sat me down on my legs and I just gave him a cheesy smile, putting my hair behind my ear as I looked down.

"Thanks." I said just above a whisper and he lowered himself down a little. Smiling.

"No problem, now, what were you putting your life for that's up there?" He asked smiling. I thought I was going to too faint. He was charmer. His eyes were a ocean blue, soft. His brown hair not combed out, leaving it in a wild mess, almost like a jungle.

"A b-bowl." I said, biting on my lower lip. Why the heck was I acting like a six year old?

He just chuckled and climbed up, and he didn't even have to stand on his toes to get the bowl and I was so easily embarrassed. He hopped down and slide the bowl onto the counter before he returned to look at me.

"Name's Will." He said smiling and I smiling back.

"Skyler." I replied back.

He didn't get to say anything back, Mr. Hill came walking into the kitchen and ordered all of us to go into the living room. Looking at each other, we left the kitchen and stepped into the crowded living room. We lined up against the wall and I just looked down at my feet, afraid to meet anyone's eyes. Mr. Hill's voice soon filled the room but I still looked down.

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