Chapter 33~ What felt like a last goodbye

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"Who is this?" His voice broke through after four minutes of silence.

"Dad." My voice broke through as a soft sob, I couldn't fight the tears back for long and I didn't know if I was going to be able to keep myself under control.

The line was dead for a little.

"Sweetie?" He said, his voice shaking.

"Yes, dad." I said letting a few tears fall.

"Skyler, tell me where you are." He said, things shuffling around in the back.

"That's the problem, I don't k-now. I'm in some motel and-" I just broke down, placing my hand over my mouth to try to muff my cries.

"Sh-h, it's okay baby. Just stay on the line with me until I can get to the agent, just stay with me." He said, worry running through his voice.

I just shook my head, knowing that he couldn't see. It was quiet for a little before he spoke up again. "Sweetie, I'm going to hand you to Noah for a little." He didn't even let me say okay, I heard shuffling around before I heard my brother whisper. 'What Am I suppose to say?' That made me smile. HIs voice soon came through as soft. "Sky?" He said, not believing my father that it was me. I choked back a sob. "Hey Noah." I said sniffling.

He was quiet for little. "I really miss you." He finally said and that made me bit my tongue.

"Miss you too." I heard talking before Noah's voice broke through.

"Dad said to put you on speaker." He said and I said okay and soon, I heard my dad's voice along with some man's voice I didn't know.

"Skyler Oaks?" The man's voice sounded close to the phone.


"I'm agent Wolfe." That was it, the man who reopened this case.

"The phone your using, what type of phone is it?"

I looked at the tiny black box that was connected to the wall. "Um, just a phone connected to the wall." I said sounding stupid.

"Okay, can you tell me any of your kidnapper names?" HIs voice said as it sounded like he was writing something down, other voices speaking through.

Where did I even begin. I mean, there was many of them and to list each and every one of them would call for some brain searching. I must of been in deep thought because his voice came through once again. "You still with me?" He asked and I shook my head. Closing my eyes. His name kept on running through my head, and taking one easy breath, I let the words flow out. "Ayden Hill. He goes by 'Chip'." I said, the hairs on the back of my neck standing. Something felt off once again, what was with this feeling? Slowly turning my head, I looked around, my eyes landing on the window, and when I saw it, the phone fell from my hand and swung right into the wall.


Sean, was making his way toward the office, someone following behind him. That was when it hit me. The phone. They traced the phone here, and now they were right onto me. Sean looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep, his hair sticking up in every way possible. I quickly grabbed the phone, sweating like a water fall.

"Dad." I said just above a whisper as I watched Sean and his friend.

"Sky? What's going on?" His voice shot up in panic.

"I love you dad. I love you. Don't ever forget that. It was never your fault that mom left." My voice was shaking and I know that I needed to hang up and make a break for it, but my hands felt glued to the phone.

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