Chapter five - Picture perfect

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Jessica checked her reflection in the large hallway mirror. After spending half an hour with the hairdresser she felt more like Elizabeth Bennet than ever. They'd pinned her hair up properly at the back, and created ringlets that fell on either side of her face. She shook her head, smiling as the curls danced.

Dew coated the grass as she left the house, but overhead the sky was blue, with only the occasional fluffy white cloud to break up the monotony. Bees buzzed lazily as they danced between the stalks of purple and lilac bell-shaped flowers.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning.

The cast assembled on the lawn outside wardrobe for publicity photographs. Jane wore pale blue, with blue ribbons crossing over the bodice. Georgiana's white gown, trimmed with thin bands of pale green velvet, only aided the impression of youthful innocence. A sombre black coat, breeches, white stockings and shiny black shoes transformed Trevor into a serious looking butler, while Mrs Reynolds appeared even more austere in plain grey with an old lace scarf around her neck and shoulders, and a frilly white cap covering her grey hair.

Mr. Gardiner seemed to be struggling with his waistcoat, pulling it down over his protruding belly. "I bet that damned woman made this short on purpose."

"Oh do stop moaning, Gerald." Mrs Gardiner looked neat in her caramel and cream striped walking dress with light shawl and high crowned bonnet. "Perhaps if you didn't go back for seconds at dinner your costume might be a little more comfortable."

"That's just the sort of sympathy I'd expect from you," he grumbled before wandering off.

Darcy and Bingley arrived a few minutes later, and Jess wasn't the only one admiring the view. Mr. Bingley's chocolate brown coat and pale breeches were half hidden by a light grey driving coat that brushed the ankles of his leather boots as he walked. Gareth carried a tall hat and brown leather gloves in one hand and a cane in the other. He'd swapped his glasses for contact lenses, while the hairdresser had brushed his sandy blonde hair forward onto his face, in the style of a proper Regency gent. Jessica thought the period clothes suited him very well, and now he'd removed those ugly metal rims he didn't look half bad.

Yet Mr. Bingley couldn't hold her interest when Darcy was right in front of her, in the dark blue morning coat she'd seen the previous day. He wasn't wearing a long overcoat, so she could better admire how snugly his breeches seemed to mould themselves around his thighs. Sliding her gaze upwards, she met his eyes. He smiled and she felt herself blush again.

Sebastian offered a gentlemanly bow. "Did Miss Bennet sleep well?"

Before she could answer, Caroline stepped between them, brushing imaginary fluff from the front of his coat. "You are very smart this morning." She looked him up and down, although to Jess it seemed more down than up. "I knew you'd look fantastic in those breeches."

Sebastian nodded his thanks as he offered a polite response, before adding. "Nice dress, by the way."

Caroline's dark apricot gown was rather more embellished than the others, with a low, wide neckline, and a short embroidered train. The sort of thing the ladies of Jane Austen's time would have worn in the evening, rather than on a damp lawn just after breakfast. She shared a simpering smile and a wobbly curtsy. "Why, thank you, kind sir."

The press photographer shouted to attract everyone's attention, as Mandy shuffled the cast into their correct positions. Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy stood in the middle of the group, with Jane and Mr. Bingley on one side and Mr. and Mrs Gardiner on the other. Jess thought they probably looked like a wedding party, with herself and Sebastian playing the part of the bride and groom. Everyone else clustered around them, and Jess smiled for the camera until her cheeks ached.

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