Part 1: Jump

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"Mari, don't you dare..." Alya warned her. She had recorded the entire akuma fight, including when the little girl accidentally fell off the roof in all of the excitement.

Ladybug had already swung off so Alya wasn't as interested as normally, but Chat Noir was here answering questions, and that would be good for her blog. She had just turned away when she saw the little girl get pushed off the roof by an avid reporter trying to get to Chat. Alya knew what her best friend was going to do, a millisecond before she did it.

Marinette jumped off the roof.

Flash Back to 5 minutes before:

Ladybug purified the akuma and celebrated a job well done with a fist bump from Chat Noir. He opened his mouth, probably to spout out a lame cat related pun, when the beeping from her miraculous interrupted him.

"See you later, Kitty." She giggled as she saw him pouting while using her yo-yo to swing off. She landed behind a large building and de-transformed. She patted Tikki's head while muttering good job to the little kwami. Said Kwami, was exhausted and flew into Marinette's bag to take a nap. Meanwhile, Marinette made her way back to Alya, who had recorded the whole incident for her Ladyblog. Marinette knew that Alya wanted to ask Chat a few questions and probably would have stuck around, so she headed to the small roof top of the second story building that the akuma had been defeated on.

When she had finally made it back to where Alya was standing, she had already been poked and jabbed by elbows trying to get closer to Chat. After muttering an excuse about getting trapped in the chaos of the akuma attack, the teen heroine noticed the little girl she had previously saved, getting jostled back by the adults. Alya had also directed her attention over to the scene.

"If the don't be careful, they're going to knock her off. " Alya muttered to Marinette, while Marinette nodded. Alya tried to call out;

"Hey, be carefu..." But Alya's warning came too late, as the little girl took a step backwards to avoid being trampled by the distracted reporters. A step off the roof.

Alya felt her best friend move a split second later; panicking, Alya, loudly threatened Marinette who... was no longer there.

Back to Present:

Chat Noir was distracted from the never-ending reporters when he heard screams. He tried to dodge the reporters, but when that didn't work he started to push ( lightly!) the reporters out of the way until he finally broke through; just in time to see Marinette jump off the roof.

Chat sprinted to edge and looked down quickly before jumping off the roof himself.

Marinette had somehow grabbed the little girl and flipped them both around so that Marinette's back was facing the ground. She saw Chat falling to meet her but when she glanced down at the ground, she saw it rising to meet them rapidly. Her eyes widened as she realized Chat wouldn't meet them in time. As she raised her eyes back to Chat, she saw his eyes widen in realization and then terror. He tried speeding up his descent by attempting swimming motions in the air. It would have been quite comical if not for the dire situation they were in. She glanced back at the ground, seeing it getting closer and closer. She wrapped her arms around the little girl tighter, no longer hearing the little girl's wails or the screams from above. She squeezed her eyes tight as her back collided with the street below.


She heard the force of impact and the whimper the small body that she was holding let out as they landed. She heard her own strangled gasp as she heard her ribs ( and probably many other bones) crack. She heard sirens wailing and people screaming.

However, she couldn't feel anything. All she knew was the the sky was very blue. So very blue.

It wasn't until someone touched her that she felt the pain. She felt it resonate through her entire body and would have groaned if she hadn't had the wind knocked out of her. Of course the small body pressed against her chest didn't help either. Speaking of the small body in her arms, Marinette started to become worried when the little girl didn't move.

She finally had enough breath back to groan when someone tried to move her again. Instantly the hands removed themselves and she heard frantic yelling from above. The actual words, however, were lost to her ears as her attention was now directed to the small body beginning to wriggle around her bruised torso. She saw black, clawed hands pick up the child gently and she heard Chat hand her to a paramedic saying the she needed immediate medical attention.

"Is....s.she okay?" Marinette managed to groan out.

She saw Chat's face appear over hers, and suddenly her sight was filled with electric green, infused with shots of yellow and emerald, instead of the bright blue of the sky that she had just become accustomed too. Chat's eyes really are pretty, she mused. She was shaken out of her musings by Chat's voice.

"She'll be fine. She's a little bruised and shaken up but she be fine after some rest. You, however, may need some work."

He kept muttering at her, jumping from the topic of her being stuck, to her being incredibly stupid and reckless in rapid succession. His panicked face appeared over her again when she made a slight whimper as he tried to get her out of her position.

"You okay, Marinette?" He said in a seemingly gentle voice but Marinette knew her partner well enough to hear that he was worried and scared. She realized then that her wounds may actually be serious this time. She glanced back up to those beautiful green eyes and saw the fear and guilt there. She realized what she needed to do,even as blackness was threatening to overcome her vision.

"Positively Purr-fect, kitty." She managed to breathe out before finally giving into the darkness that consumed her vision.

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