Part 6: Too Many Thoughts

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Plagg, detransform!" Adrien muttered as he hid in a dark alley concealed from wandering eyes. He kept his eyes trained at his feet as he felt his kwami study him.

"What was that ?" Plagg asked amused. He had had thousands of Chat Noir in his care before, but Chat Noir's and Ladybug's love square issues still amused him. Although he had to admit, this Ladybug was pretty stubborn on the whole identity thing and he knew if frustrated Adrien. Plagg, already knew her identity, but he couldn't tell him obviously, that would make it too easy. Plus, if he was being completely honest, he did respect Marinette's privacy decision. There was obviously a reason for her to keep her identity a secret. Over the many long years he had learned that there was always a reason. So he kept quiet. Although, he still thinks Tikki got off easy with Marinette; at least she didn't get the drama queen with an inferior complex and daddy issues. Oh course, Tikki has had to deal with pretty difficult Ladybugs' in the past just as he had to deal with Chat Noirs'. He just hoped that this time Ladybug and Chat Noir would have a happy ending.

"I-I don't know," Adrien muttered, interrupting Plagg's musings, "Why do you think she was crying?"

"That wasn't exactly what I was asking, but if I had to take a guess, I'd say she was probably in some pain." Plagg said quietly, serious for once.  He continued on softly;

"Although, you know, I wouldn't say that all of that was just pain from falling off a roof and not taking her pain meds..."Adrien jerked as he looked up at his uncharacteristically serious kwami, Plagg held his gaze before breaking away slightly to tease the boy and lighten the mood.

"I was going to ask about the whole cuddling thing? Or maybe you could explain why you stayed for nearly 45 minutes when you told me we were just going to drop in and check on her, that it would take five minutes tops? Or what about the whole "adorable smile that I love"? Or maybe you could explain the disgustingly sweet forehead kiss when you promised her that you would be back later?" Plagg's smug smile getting cockier with each new question that he asked.

Adrien sputtered.

"T-that is...that was... you have got to be kitten me...I wasn't...look, I'm just worried about Mari is all. I mean she fell, er, jumped off a roof. "

"Since when do you call Marinette "Mari "?" Plagg chuckled.

"It's just a nickname!" He replied indignantly as he glared at Plagg.

"More like a name of endearment."

Adrien sputtered again while his disloyal Kwami laughed at his obvious discomfort. Calming down, Plagg asked the one question Adrien had been trying to push to the back of his mind;

"What about Ladybug?"


There it was.

His lovely, black-spotted, partner who had stolen his heart. His kind, caring, brave, selfless partner. His partner who saved Paris without a thought about her own safety or happiness. His partner that made mistakes, but always tried to correct them. The partner that was only human but at the same time was the best that she could be. The partner with eyes that seemed to convey the different hues of blue of the skies at the same time they seemed to convey the depths of the blues of the oceans. His beautiful partner.The partner that he loved.

Adrien took a deep breath and told his Kwami the only thing he could; the truth.

"I don't know, Plagg. I just really don't." He felt Plagg scrutinize him as he avoided Plagg's narrowed eyes by looking up.

"Well, we better be getting you to school, you've already missed two periods. Besides if anyone saw you in this dark alley, talking to yourself,  they'd probably would think you're crazy. You have cheese in your bag, right?"

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