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            A FATAL MISTAKE.

Syd had been pacing in his chambers for the better part of the hour, waiting desperately for any word from the King.  He had mistakenly ran frantic to Nicon in the period of time immediately following the Council meeting because when he arrived at Elysie's room as the clock chimed seven, she was not there.  He had searched until the clock struck eight, before thinking the worst and rushing through the halls to inform his King.

            He burst through the thick doors, not bothering to prevent them from hitting the back of the wall.  "Your Highness, I can't find El--"

            The man froze, quickly cutting off his sentence as he saw the King conferring privately with Alpha Cayn in the conference room, the remainder of the Council absent.

            "--Elliot," he attempted to salvage his foolish eruption.  He had not once stopped to mull the consequences of interrupting, nonetheless almost giving away the name of the human secretly residing in the castle. 

            Syd could hear his own heart beating erratically; it was impossible to miss, especially for a pair of powerful Shifters.

            Nicon growled, his lips pulling up and his canines flashing brightly in the otherwise dim lighting.  Alpha Cayn, intrigued, sat forward in his seat at the table, his eyes scrutinizing the lanky man before him.  He could smell the anxiety from the man coming off in heavy waves.  He could hear the King's beating heart as well, however he could not distinguish if the thumping birthed from anger or another emotion.

            "Syd."  Nicon addressed, "Perhaps next time a knock on the door would suffice."  You foolish mutt, he said through Syd's mind, hardly containing his anger. Find Elysie, now!

            "Yes, Your Highness.  I apologize," he spoke clumsily, quickly turning and rushing out of the room, slamming the doors closed behind him. 

            The King turned his attention, or what of it he could muster, toward the Alpha who remained in his castle.  He was clearly angered by the interruption and the fact that Elysie was missing was not a comfort.

            "As I was saying, Your Highness," Alpha Cayn said.  "I can have my men arriving at the villages at nightfall.  I understand what a toll the passing of Killian has taken on your men, perhaps I could be something of an asset."

            While Killian's death was widely common knowledge, he could not fathom a reason why Cayn would know his name.  His territory resided on the opposite side of Nicon's, and while he could have easily conversed with one of the other Alphas for the information, Cayn friendly and socializing was even less fathomable. 

            "Nightfall, no sooner."

            "Yes, Your Highness.  Kindly alert me when Syd finds Elliot.  His franticness did not go unnoticed."

            Nicon did nothing to acknowledge Cayn's pleasantries, just dismissed the man with final parting remarks.

As soon as he heard Cayn's car retreat away from the castle, he sought out Syd.  Have you found her yet?

No, Your Highness.  I fear one of the other men will find her before I have the chance.  The castle is large, where would she have gone? What if she attempted to return home to her mother?

Elysie is hardly this foolish, Nicon mused.  Suddenly, he was not as worried as he had been moments before, nearly chuckling at his naivety.  She must've been at his mother's greenhouse, the only place Nicon had taken her outside of her room. She would have known it would be safer and more private than the other rooms. He couldn't help but feel relieved, even if he was still angry she had disobeyed him and ventured outside of what was safe.

I believe I know where she is.

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